Natural Diabetic Cures
- Managing diabetes through your diet is a lifestyle change. Consult with your dietician or doctor to help you with this. Consult food labels, but only when you're sure you understand the difference between portions and serving size. Consider reducing carbohydrates and processed foods, including white sugar, rice, flour, pasta and breads. Do you need to reduce your soft drinks intake and drink more water?
Exercise is a very important part of managing diabetes naturally. A daily exercise routine stimulates insulin production. Your exercise program will depend on your metabolism. - The Glycemic Index (GI) describes how different carbohydrates act in your body and the impact they have on your blood glucose levels. Use it as a reference to choose foods to start a healthy eating plan. Familiarize yourself with foods rated low on the Glycemic Index list. Make these foods a part of your daily diet. They will help naturally control your glucose and keep your fasting sugar levels down, in addition to contributing to your overall health.
- The American Diabetes Association recommends a daily intake of 24 g of dietary fiber as a minimum to help improve glucose control. Spacing your fiber out in meals and snacks is a way to gradually increase your fiber intake. Eat at least 5 g of fiber per meal and at least 3 g of fiber per snack. Integrate high-fiber, low-carb food or food supplements into your diet, such as flaxseed, rye or wheat bran flatbread, fruit, vegetables, wheat bran, Saba, whole soy milk, beans, chick peas and glucomannan. Find what works for you.
- Natural remedies that assist with insulin production and moving glucose to your cells come in the form of herbs, food, food supplements and exercise. Clinical studies and research have identified several foods and herbs that lower fasting blood sugar and provide relief from diabetes.
For example, bitter melon is a relative of squash, watermelon and cucumber. The Garvan Institute of Medical Research indicates that bitter melon is instrumental in lowering blood sugar levels. You can eat bitter melon as a food, or take it as a juice or extract. Recommended dosage is 30 to 60 ml or 2 oz of juice before each meal or 1/2 cup to 1 cup of the natural fruit cooked and used as a vegetable.
Also, USDA Research Service studies have demonstrated that extracts of cinnamon increase insulin activity several-fold. You can take 1/2 tsp of cinnamon daily to get results. You can add cinnamon to cereal, juice and yogurt to name a few. You can also use cinnamon sticks in tea or water.
Other foods noted for their impact on blood glucose levels include but are not limited to garlic, soy products, glucomannan, fenugreek seed and stevia, a natural sweetener that also stimulates the release of insulin.
Managing Diabetes
Glycemic Index
Dietary Fiber
Natural Remedies