Simple Meditation Techniques
Meditation is a fundamental component of a peaceful, yet energized life in a hectic world.
It is also fundamental to aligning your vibrations so the Law of Attraction works on what you want, rather than what you don't want.
Here are two simple meditation techniques for you to use in your journey to self improvement.
Meditation came to prominence through the Beatles and this was how I became interested.
I use it for energy and peace (which seems a bit contradictory, but it is the essential nature of being in the flow).
It is a very simple technique.
One of the aims of meditation is to attain a state of 'no thought'.
Unfortunately, the moment you realize you have attained it, it is over.
In some meditation training using the following technique, you are assigned a person-specific mantra word by your trainers that is to be kept secret.
So, for the purpose of this instruction we will use the word 'OM'.
It is recommended you do not eat or do vigorous exercise 20 minutes either side of meditation.
Sit comfortably in a chair without arms or headrest, so your arms can rest into your lap and your head is free to move.
Decide on how long you will meditate (it's spooky how accurate your 'coming around' is), breathe normally through your nose and begin repeating the mantra in your thoughts.
Strive to allow the mantra to rise from somewhere deep inside your mind as a thought, rather than merely saying the word, and don't time the thought to your breathing.
When you drift into other thoughts, be gentle with yourself and simply indicate a preference to return to thinking the mantra.
If your body feels like sagging, allow it.
If your head feels like lolling, allow it.
Always take the path of least resistance.
If you feel yourself sinking or drifting, it's okay - it is all a part of meditation and deep relaxation.
Sometimes, as you are sinking into deeper levels of consciousness, you may feel a heaviness in the head.
This is normal.
Allow yourself to keep sinking or move your head a little.
When you feel the time is up, slowly begin to stretch out, starting with your fingers.
Give yourself a minute or so to come out of meditation.
The next meditation technique is Chinese in origin and based on Chi Gong (or Kung) breathing.
This technique has other, more powerful benefits that we don't have the space to discuss here, but suffice to say your physical health will receive a giant boost by regular practice.
I also add that this technique embraces Wu-Wei, a Taoist principle roughly meaning 'in the flow'.
I was instructed that a more accurate meaning is 'Inner Activity - Outer Passivity'.
This can be done standing or sitting.
I will describe standing because it generates a much greater feeling of internal strength and power, which is a contrast to the first technique.
If your main aim is to relax and energize, seated is fine.
Stand up and allow the knees to sag slightly (if you wish to go deeper into Chi Gong, bend the knees more), with the feet straight or turned in marginally.
Rock the pelvis slightly so that the natural arch of the back is flattened, and imagine that the crown of your head is being suspended by a string from above.
Touch your upper palate lightly with your tongue just behind the main ridge (slide your tongue back from your teeth until you feel the ridge, go down the slope and stop.
Lastly, bring your hands around as if you are holding an imaginary 12' -15' ball in front of you.
Keep your shoulders relaxed.
This is the set up position to allow maximum Chi energy to flow.
Once you have done it a few times, it will become second nature.
Now, all you need do is slowly breathe diaphragmatically in through the nose and allow your energy to sink down.
You can imagine you are a great tree rooted firmly to the ground (this gives a sense of strength and power), or that your diaphragm are bellows, pumping energy all around your body, or that you are at the side of a waterfall, and as the mist caresses you it washes away all your worries.
Choose any visualization that works for you.
The keys are; stillness, power and sinking your energy down.
If you feel a heat in your hands this is pure Chi energy.
Play with it! These are two different yet simple meditation techniques to assist you on your journey to self improvement.
I hope you enjoy using them.
Please contact me through the links below for more information or support.
It is also fundamental to aligning your vibrations so the Law of Attraction works on what you want, rather than what you don't want.
Here are two simple meditation techniques for you to use in your journey to self improvement.
Meditation came to prominence through the Beatles and this was how I became interested.
I use it for energy and peace (which seems a bit contradictory, but it is the essential nature of being in the flow).
It is a very simple technique.
One of the aims of meditation is to attain a state of 'no thought'.
Unfortunately, the moment you realize you have attained it, it is over.
In some meditation training using the following technique, you are assigned a person-specific mantra word by your trainers that is to be kept secret.
So, for the purpose of this instruction we will use the word 'OM'.
It is recommended you do not eat or do vigorous exercise 20 minutes either side of meditation.
Sit comfortably in a chair without arms or headrest, so your arms can rest into your lap and your head is free to move.
Decide on how long you will meditate (it's spooky how accurate your 'coming around' is), breathe normally through your nose and begin repeating the mantra in your thoughts.
Strive to allow the mantra to rise from somewhere deep inside your mind as a thought, rather than merely saying the word, and don't time the thought to your breathing.
When you drift into other thoughts, be gentle with yourself and simply indicate a preference to return to thinking the mantra.
If your body feels like sagging, allow it.
If your head feels like lolling, allow it.
Always take the path of least resistance.
If you feel yourself sinking or drifting, it's okay - it is all a part of meditation and deep relaxation.
Sometimes, as you are sinking into deeper levels of consciousness, you may feel a heaviness in the head.
This is normal.
Allow yourself to keep sinking or move your head a little.
When you feel the time is up, slowly begin to stretch out, starting with your fingers.
Give yourself a minute or so to come out of meditation.
The next meditation technique is Chinese in origin and based on Chi Gong (or Kung) breathing.
This technique has other, more powerful benefits that we don't have the space to discuss here, but suffice to say your physical health will receive a giant boost by regular practice.
I also add that this technique embraces Wu-Wei, a Taoist principle roughly meaning 'in the flow'.
I was instructed that a more accurate meaning is 'Inner Activity - Outer Passivity'.
This can be done standing or sitting.
I will describe standing because it generates a much greater feeling of internal strength and power, which is a contrast to the first technique.
If your main aim is to relax and energize, seated is fine.
Stand up and allow the knees to sag slightly (if you wish to go deeper into Chi Gong, bend the knees more), with the feet straight or turned in marginally.
Rock the pelvis slightly so that the natural arch of the back is flattened, and imagine that the crown of your head is being suspended by a string from above.
Touch your upper palate lightly with your tongue just behind the main ridge (slide your tongue back from your teeth until you feel the ridge, go down the slope and stop.
Lastly, bring your hands around as if you are holding an imaginary 12' -15' ball in front of you.
Keep your shoulders relaxed.
This is the set up position to allow maximum Chi energy to flow.
Once you have done it a few times, it will become second nature.
Now, all you need do is slowly breathe diaphragmatically in through the nose and allow your energy to sink down.
You can imagine you are a great tree rooted firmly to the ground (this gives a sense of strength and power), or that your diaphragm are bellows, pumping energy all around your body, or that you are at the side of a waterfall, and as the mist caresses you it washes away all your worries.
Choose any visualization that works for you.
The keys are; stillness, power and sinking your energy down.
If you feel a heat in your hands this is pure Chi energy.
Play with it! These are two different yet simple meditation techniques to assist you on your journey to self improvement.
I hope you enjoy using them.
Please contact me through the links below for more information or support.