Basic Oral Care Tips
There are many out there who have the best facial features, but when they smile and show ugly teeth, everything seems wasted.
True enough, our perception of beauty has something to with a person's oral health simply because how one's teeth look like is a reflection of his personal hygiene.
It seems that no matter how flawless a person looks, his smile can still make or break the way people judge his appearance.
For this reason, a lot of dental technologies have been created in order to make enhance people's teeth so they can have more reasons to smile.
Still, when they really want to keep their smile looking perfect, you'll have to continue practicing basic oral care.
Basic oral care is not anything too complicated that an ordinary person can't practice.
That's the reason it's called basic.
The main thing to remember here is to keep the mouth as free of food particles as possible because these food particles are the number one culprit for oral problems.
In fact, when a person practices poor oral hygiene, it's not only the teeth that suffer but also thegums.
In other words, if you want to make sure your teeth look great, you have to learn how to clean your them, as well as your mouth,the right way.
Of course, you need to brush your teeth everyday, but considering the high-sugar food products available in the market today,once a day may no longer be enough.
Most dentists would recommend brushing your teeth three times a day, preferably once after breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Your brushing strokes are also going to matter when you really want to make sure your teeth and the spaces in between them are all cleaned up.
For example, you may have been used to brushing your front teeth in horizontal motions.
Of course, it has long been advised by dental experts that up-and-down strokes are best for those front teeth.
Brushing time should also be not less than four minutes to make sure you brush off anything you don't need on those teeth.
Mouthwash is also good to use after brushing as a way of giving your mouth that final rinse, while dental floss can be used to make sure there's absolutely nothing in there caught between your teeth.
With a combination of these three techniques, you can be inches closer to that million-dollar smile you've always wanted.
Of course, there are cases where basic oral health care is simply not enough.
For example, when you have tartar build-up on your teeth, you will not be able to brush it off, no matter how vigorously you try.
Tartar is composed of food particles that have hardened on your teeth and the best way to remove it is to have it scraped off by a dentist.
Another thing you'd like to look into is your diet.
As you know, sugar-rich foods are converted to acidic substances that cause dental caries.
If you want to protect your teeth, simply avoid eating sweets or carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice and bread.
If you can't resist the temptation, go ahead with it, but make sure you brush your teeth soon after your last serving so you can wash the food off your mouth before it is converted into acids.
Remember, the longer it stays in your mouth, the harsher it becomes on your teeth.