The unseen treasure! Camel milk in Pakistan
The camel has been serving millions of people living in the arid, semi arid and desert areas, i.e. provides food, fiber, transportation and social status to the herders. A few attempts have been done in health, nutrition, physiology and reproduction, camel productivity per se is still
relatively untouched. A lesser and even neglected amount of milk is published in the gray records of the country. The camel milk has never been appreciated, valued and estimated properly (Raziq et al, 2008). In recent time, though some importance is given to camel and the milk yield is now tabulated as separate entity, not included in others and small ruminant. (Economic Survey 2009-10).
Camel milk production is stable in almost all seasons, which is very important for the pastoralist, when the milk of other animals is seized in the dry period. Camel intake per kg of milk produced is very less, making it an efficient biological model. It is very appropriate specie on marginal and poor grazing lands. This review of the available information on the ability of camel as milk animal was conducted to know the actual worth and future role of camel as dairy animal.
Milk production: Camels were originally domesticated for their milk, following the move to use the camel as a beast of burden, especially for armies, there has been a return to its original task. It has been shown that camels can provide 15-20 liters of milk per day for a lactation period of up to 18 months, making it a very good farm animal. Globally camel produces about 2 % of the world total milk and that milk is mostly produced by pastoral people and consumed locally (Raziq et al, 2008).
There is a weak knowledge about the true potential of the camel and very rare references are available in the scientific database especially on various quantitative traits like daily, lactation yields and the factors affecting on it. Nevertheless some new studies in Pakistan, i.e. milk yield, lactation curve and the factors affecting on it are available in recent times. Such studies were conducted on a mountainous camel called Kohi (Raziq et al, 2011). In Pakistan camel population attain one million head with almost 20% of lactating camel produces around 0.6 million ton of milk annually (Raziq et al, 2008). Such a huge amount of milk is not well documented and never channelized.
Pakistani camel has excellent potential as milk animal including, Marecha, which is probably one of the best milk yielder in the world with an average milk yield of 4,179 liters per year (Sial, 1950). On average daily milk yield is from 8 to 10 liters but under intensive management conditions milk yield is from 15 to 20 liters daily. However, some specimens have been reported to yield as high as 40 liters per day (Qureshi, 1986; Raziq, 2010). Such a huge amount of milk will never be expected from an exotic or crossbred cow in low input production systems. When the camels were well fed, there was an average milk yield of 10–15 kg per day (Yasin and Wahid, 1957). In the areas with poor feeding and under desert conditions, the daily average was 4 kg.
According to an on farm study conducted by a team of scientists (Knoess et al, 1986) in Punjab province of Pakistan, the camel produced more milk per kg body weight than Sahiwal cattle, Friesian×Sahiwal cattle and buffaloes. Also in a similar environment, camels produce more milk for a longer period of time than any other species, while their requirement for feed is modest (Wilson, 1998). Jasra and Aujla (1998) reported that the economic benefits of camel products (milk, meat, etc.) are not apparently visible. However, the domestic value is considerable. As high as 22 liters of milk, were daily obtained from a few camels in Balochistan. They reported that the daily milk yields varied from 4 to 12 liters, the lower milk yields attributed to poor feed availability.
Lactation length of the camel depends upon various factors and varies from 9 to 18 months
(Qureshi, 1986). The mainly available food item for the pastoralists is the milk of camel; therefore, they do not dry the animal, which results in the lengthy lactation period, even higher than 18 months. However according to some researchers, the milk yield and lactation length of Pakistani camel averaged 1894.93 liters and 445.58 days (15 months), respectively (Baloch, 2001). Farmers reported a lactation length of 270 to 525 days (9-18 months) with a the total milk yield ranging in between 1,250 to 3,650 liters with an average of 1,800 liters per lactation (Jasra and Aujla, 1998). In recent study lactation length of mountainous Kohi (Fig. 1) camel is reported as 8-9 month (Raziq et al, 2011) with a yield of 2590.5 liters.
The genetic worth of camel to produce milk is admirable. The factors affecting on milk yield are lesser sentimental as in other livestock species. Camels live in harsh and hostile habitats and thrive in areas where green fodder is only seasonally available, and can survive on feeds left by other animals (Knoess, 1977). The efficiency of the camel should be appreciated in terms of its productivity parameter as well as with respect to its superb adaptation to a harsh environment, sustainability of production across seasons, and accessibility to people living on marginal lands.
Epilogue: The camel could not get much desired attention due to many reasons and lack of awareness about its attributes relating to its milk production and its products. Due to prevailing droughts and climate change situation, the camel has gained much attention. The recent studies have shown that the camel is an immense candidate, which can meet the milk requirements of the pastoral people and as well as other population if managed, bred and fed properly. Furthermore in the changing and global warming scenario, under-exploited species like camel will find a better place to thrive and produce even under harsh climatic conditions. A lot of virgin areas of research and development in this specie demand, that proper milk recording, selection and breeding practices are to be taken to exploit its genetic potentials to its maximum. Some planned and integrated efforts are needed in camel concentration areas of Cholistan and Balochistan to undertake research and auxiliary developments on this specie and its allied disciplines. A study on camel breeds like Kharani, Marrecha and Brela are recommended with optimal farm conditions to know the actual worth as milk animal. The
time has reached to know and exploit the true potential of camel and to find the ways to sustain this old industry for the cause of the conservation of important animal genetic resource and transform it in a modern entrepreneur in the near future.
Baloch, M.N. 2001. Documentation and characterization of camel breeds of Pakistan. PhD
dissertation Sindh Agricultural University, Tando Jam. Doctoral Library, HEC, H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan.
Economic Survey. 2009-10. Government of Pakistan, Finance Div. Economic Advisor's Wing, Islamabad.
Jasra, A. W. and K. M. Aujla. 1998. Socio-economic Profile of Camel Herders in South-western Mountainous Areas of Pakistan. The camel newsletter, No 15 pp 14-17.
Knoess, K.H. 1977. The camel as meat and milk animal. World Anim. Rev. FAO Rome, 22:39-42.
Knoess, K.H., A.J. Makhudum, M. Rafiq, and M. Hafeez. 1986. Milk production potential of the dromedary, with special reference to the province of the Punjab, Pakistan. World Anim. Rev. FAO Rome, 57:11-21.
Qureshi, M.H.
1986. The Camel. A paper presented at a Seminar on the Camel. FAO, Kuwait.
Raziq, M. Younas and M.A. Kakar. 2008. Camel-a potential dairy animal in difficult
environments. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 45(2).
Raziq, A. 2010. Kharani camel of Chaghai-Kharan desert. Personal communications.
Raziq, M. Younas, M.S. Khan and A. Iqbal, 2011. Milk production potential as affected
by parity and age in the Kohi dromedary camel.Journal of Camel Practice and
Research, vol. 7, No. 2(1-4).
Sial, U.H. 1950. Part-I. Investigation into the production of milk and camels and the uses of which it is being put in the Punjab, including the local practice of management of camels. Part-II. Making of ghee from camel's milk by different methods and determination of its properties. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of The Punjab, Lahore.
Yasin, S.A. and A. Wahid. 1957. Pakistan Camels: A preliminary survey. Agri. Pak. 8:289-297.
relatively untouched. A lesser and even neglected amount of milk is published in the gray records of the country. The camel milk has never been appreciated, valued and estimated properly (Raziq et al, 2008). In recent time, though some importance is given to camel and the milk yield is now tabulated as separate entity, not included in others and small ruminant. (Economic Survey 2009-10).
Camel milk production is stable in almost all seasons, which is very important for the pastoralist, when the milk of other animals is seized in the dry period. Camel intake per kg of milk produced is very less, making it an efficient biological model. It is very appropriate specie on marginal and poor grazing lands. This review of the available information on the ability of camel as milk animal was conducted to know the actual worth and future role of camel as dairy animal.
Milk production: Camels were originally domesticated for their milk, following the move to use the camel as a beast of burden, especially for armies, there has been a return to its original task. It has been shown that camels can provide 15-20 liters of milk per day for a lactation period of up to 18 months, making it a very good farm animal. Globally camel produces about 2 % of the world total milk and that milk is mostly produced by pastoral people and consumed locally (Raziq et al, 2008).
There is a weak knowledge about the true potential of the camel and very rare references are available in the scientific database especially on various quantitative traits like daily, lactation yields and the factors affecting on it. Nevertheless some new studies in Pakistan, i.e. milk yield, lactation curve and the factors affecting on it are available in recent times. Such studies were conducted on a mountainous camel called Kohi (Raziq et al, 2011). In Pakistan camel population attain one million head with almost 20% of lactating camel produces around 0.6 million ton of milk annually (Raziq et al, 2008). Such a huge amount of milk is not well documented and never channelized.
Pakistani camel has excellent potential as milk animal including, Marecha, which is probably one of the best milk yielder in the world with an average milk yield of 4,179 liters per year (Sial, 1950). On average daily milk yield is from 8 to 10 liters but under intensive management conditions milk yield is from 15 to 20 liters daily. However, some specimens have been reported to yield as high as 40 liters per day (Qureshi, 1986; Raziq, 2010). Such a huge amount of milk will never be expected from an exotic or crossbred cow in low input production systems. When the camels were well fed, there was an average milk yield of 10–15 kg per day (Yasin and Wahid, 1957). In the areas with poor feeding and under desert conditions, the daily average was 4 kg.
According to an on farm study conducted by a team of scientists (Knoess et al, 1986) in Punjab province of Pakistan, the camel produced more milk per kg body weight than Sahiwal cattle, Friesian×Sahiwal cattle and buffaloes. Also in a similar environment, camels produce more milk for a longer period of time than any other species, while their requirement for feed is modest (Wilson, 1998). Jasra and Aujla (1998) reported that the economic benefits of camel products (milk, meat, etc.) are not apparently visible. However, the domestic value is considerable. As high as 22 liters of milk, were daily obtained from a few camels in Balochistan. They reported that the daily milk yields varied from 4 to 12 liters, the lower milk yields attributed to poor feed availability.
Lactation length of the camel depends upon various factors and varies from 9 to 18 months
(Qureshi, 1986). The mainly available food item for the pastoralists is the milk of camel; therefore, they do not dry the animal, which results in the lengthy lactation period, even higher than 18 months. However according to some researchers, the milk yield and lactation length of Pakistani camel averaged 1894.93 liters and 445.58 days (15 months), respectively (Baloch, 2001). Farmers reported a lactation length of 270 to 525 days (9-18 months) with a the total milk yield ranging in between 1,250 to 3,650 liters with an average of 1,800 liters per lactation (Jasra and Aujla, 1998). In recent study lactation length of mountainous Kohi (Fig. 1) camel is reported as 8-9 month (Raziq et al, 2011) with a yield of 2590.5 liters.
The genetic worth of camel to produce milk is admirable. The factors affecting on milk yield are lesser sentimental as in other livestock species. Camels live in harsh and hostile habitats and thrive in areas where green fodder is only seasonally available, and can survive on feeds left by other animals (Knoess, 1977). The efficiency of the camel should be appreciated in terms of its productivity parameter as well as with respect to its superb adaptation to a harsh environment, sustainability of production across seasons, and accessibility to people living on marginal lands.
Epilogue: The camel could not get much desired attention due to many reasons and lack of awareness about its attributes relating to its milk production and its products. Due to prevailing droughts and climate change situation, the camel has gained much attention. The recent studies have shown that the camel is an immense candidate, which can meet the milk requirements of the pastoral people and as well as other population if managed, bred and fed properly. Furthermore in the changing and global warming scenario, under-exploited species like camel will find a better place to thrive and produce even under harsh climatic conditions. A lot of virgin areas of research and development in this specie demand, that proper milk recording, selection and breeding practices are to be taken to exploit its genetic potentials to its maximum. Some planned and integrated efforts are needed in camel concentration areas of Cholistan and Balochistan to undertake research and auxiliary developments on this specie and its allied disciplines. A study on camel breeds like Kharani, Marrecha and Brela are recommended with optimal farm conditions to know the actual worth as milk animal. The
time has reached to know and exploit the true potential of camel and to find the ways to sustain this old industry for the cause of the conservation of important animal genetic resource and transform it in a modern entrepreneur in the near future.
Baloch, M.N. 2001. Documentation and characterization of camel breeds of Pakistan. PhD
dissertation Sindh Agricultural University, Tando Jam. Doctoral Library, HEC, H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan.
Economic Survey. 2009-10. Government of Pakistan, Finance Div. Economic Advisor's Wing, Islamabad.
Jasra, A. W. and K. M. Aujla. 1998. Socio-economic Profile of Camel Herders in South-western Mountainous Areas of Pakistan. The camel newsletter, No 15 pp 14-17.
Knoess, K.H. 1977. The camel as meat and milk animal. World Anim. Rev. FAO Rome, 22:39-42.
Knoess, K.H., A.J. Makhudum, M. Rafiq, and M. Hafeez. 1986. Milk production potential of the dromedary, with special reference to the province of the Punjab, Pakistan. World Anim. Rev. FAO Rome, 57:11-21.
Qureshi, M.H.
1986. The Camel. A paper presented at a Seminar on the Camel. FAO, Kuwait.
Raziq, M. Younas and M.A. Kakar. 2008. Camel-a potential dairy animal in difficult
environments. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 45(2).
Raziq, A. 2010. Kharani camel of Chaghai-Kharan desert. Personal communications.
Raziq, M. Younas, M.S. Khan and A. Iqbal, 2011. Milk production potential as affected
by parity and age in the Kohi dromedary camel.Journal of Camel Practice and
Research, vol. 7, No. 2(1-4).
Sial, U.H. 1950. Part-I. Investigation into the production of milk and camels and the uses of which it is being put in the Punjab, including the local practice of management of camels. Part-II. Making of ghee from camel's milk by different methods and determination of its properties. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of The Punjab, Lahore.
Yasin, S.A. and A. Wahid. 1957. Pakistan Camels: A preliminary survey. Agri. Pak. 8:289-297.