PVC Pipe Wind Craft Ideas
- There are many different crafts that you can do with PVC pipe. Some of the more interesting crafts include making objects that will blow and change with the wind. There are lots of different PVC pipe wind crafts that you might be interested in.
- The mot common PVC wind crafts are wind chimes. These are easy to make because they don't need much to be done with them. People who make them find that they can cut many different lengths of PVC pipe, paint those pieces bright, bold, or dashing colors, and then hang them all from a board. As the wind blows, it will move the PVC pipes together and make them clunk together. If they are different sizes, they'll make different noises as they clunk together.
- Other PVC wind crafts include making a wind turbine with PVC pipe blades. These wind turbines really can't do much for you power wise. You could hook them up to small batteries to make a little bit of power, but mostly they are for show. People make these by constructing a PVC pipe base, and then cutting PVC pipes to make the blades. They are attached in the center of the base with loose fitting screws. The PVC pipes that were used to make the blades are cut in all different types of patterns, which help to catch the wind and make an interesting look. People also paint these turbines so they have a more interesting look.
- Other PVC pipe wind crafts include decorative crafts. PVC pipe can be cut into many different lengths, and painted in many different colors. When people are doing this type of craft, they usually will take many pieces of PVC and PVC parts, like connector sockets, and drill holes in the top of the pipes and the sockets. That way, they can paint the pipe and pipe pieces in all different colors, and then they can use string or wire to hang the PVC pieces from one source, like a main hook or another PVC pipe laid horizontal. Then, they have pretty decorations that will swing and move in the wind.
PVC wind chimes
Wind Turbine with Blades
Wind Decorations with PVC Pipe