Ninja Secrets to Finding the Best Sites to Get Banner Traffic
If you do not you can waste a ton of money & you will not get the right amount of traffic needed to grow your own business.
I want to show you right now how to find the best sites to get banner ad traffic in your market.
Best Sites Secret #1: As I have mentioned before - go after small sites first.
You might be able to get a lot of traffic from big sites, but you have no idea if your banner will make you a profit.
So what I like to do is go into my market and find all the small site that are updated regularly and then contact the owners of those sites and see if they will sell me banner ad space.
Most will because they think your nuts for buying banner ads.
The reason is this - most people associate the "dot com bubble" that burst with banner ads.
A lot of the big sites back in the day were using banner ads to drive traffic.
Then they blew up and the whole thing fell apart.
So let them think your nuts! You know that it works so buy as much traffic as you can.
Best Sites Secret #2: Make sure you make a profit off one site before moving on to the next one.
If you do this you will always be ahead of the game.