How To Manage Our Responsibility Toward Our Possessions
Some of us are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. If you ask children what they remember most about the first couple, the most common answer is something like, "They listened to the serpent and ate the apple."
But let's rewind a bit and reflect on those first few moments after Adam was created. Genesis 2:7 recounts how Adam was formed from "the dust of the ground," and how God breathed life into him. Humans were the final creation of God. He had already made the heavens and the earth, the plants and animals.
Genesis 1:26 says that God made people to rule over "all the earth." He made sure to provide us with food for sustenance, as well.
While people were created to "rule" over the earth, our purpose on Earth goes beyond trying to control or dominate. The picture is made clearer in Genesis 2:15. Adam lived in the Garden of Eden "to work it and take care of it." (NIV) Let's look at this a little deeper.
First responsibility: To work it.
The New International Version (NIV) of the Bible identifies our first task as having to "work" the garden. I like the New American Standard Bible's (NASB) interpretation. It describes our task as having to "cultivate" the garden.
What does it mean to "cultivate"? By definition, cultivate means "to promote growth, to nurture."
When I look at the definition, I wonder if we are fulfilling our responsibility. Do we promote growth around us? Are we encouraging others to reach their potential? Are we helping those who have lost their hope to find it again? Are we helping those who have fallen to get back up?
This reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Two people passed a man who was terribly beaten without stopping to check on him or offering to help him. A Samaritan passed. He not only stopped to check on him, but he also dressed his wounds, put him in an inn, and paid for his care.
We are often too consumed with ourselves. Our lives have been filled with so much "stuff" that we often don't even notice those who need our help. What about the other part of the definition? How are we doing when it comes to nurturing? For many of us, the best and easiest place to apply this is to our children. God has entrusted their lives to us so that we can emulate for them the life Christ expects of us.
Children come into the world like sponges. They are eager and willing to learn all that we have to share with them. They love us unconditionally and will do whatever it takes to make us happy. Remember, our children do not belong to us - they belong to God. Are we being responsible stewards over their development?
How much time are we giving to them? Living under the same roof is not enough. How much undivided attention are we giving them to help them learn how to handle the trials that life is sure to bring them? Are we helping them develop mentally, physically, spiritually? Are we equipping them to battle the enemy? Let's not take this responsibility lightly. Our kids' eternal lives depend on it!
Second responsibility: To take care of it.
This is the phrase used in the NIV Bible. The NASB version says "to keep it." When we take care of something, we are cautious, attentive, and protective. When we value something that we want to keep, we guard it to the extreme. Some of us are willing to lose our lives over certain things of value.
With that in mind, is this our approach to taking care of God's Kingdom and everything in it? Are we being cautious, attentive, and protective of one another? Are we doing what we can to minimize our wounds? Is it safe to say that we may even be self mutilators, bringing our own destruction?
While we are all part of one big body, we each have our own gardens to work and to take care of. This garden includes ourselves, our families, our community, our jobs, our finances. We are responsible for everything that God has entrusted to us.
Remember the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. When God calls us home, would we rather hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" or "You wicked, lazy servant!"? The good and faithful servant was allowed to share in his master's happiness. The wicked, lazy servant lost everything and was thrown out.
There may be some weeds in our gardens. But it's not too late to get out there and clean it up!
But let's rewind a bit and reflect on those first few moments after Adam was created. Genesis 2:7 recounts how Adam was formed from "the dust of the ground," and how God breathed life into him. Humans were the final creation of God. He had already made the heavens and the earth, the plants and animals.
Genesis 1:26 says that God made people to rule over "all the earth." He made sure to provide us with food for sustenance, as well.
While people were created to "rule" over the earth, our purpose on Earth goes beyond trying to control or dominate. The picture is made clearer in Genesis 2:15. Adam lived in the Garden of Eden "to work it and take care of it." (NIV) Let's look at this a little deeper.
First responsibility: To work it.
The New International Version (NIV) of the Bible identifies our first task as having to "work" the garden. I like the New American Standard Bible's (NASB) interpretation. It describes our task as having to "cultivate" the garden.
What does it mean to "cultivate"? By definition, cultivate means "to promote growth, to nurture."
When I look at the definition, I wonder if we are fulfilling our responsibility. Do we promote growth around us? Are we encouraging others to reach their potential? Are we helping those who have lost their hope to find it again? Are we helping those who have fallen to get back up?
This reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Two people passed a man who was terribly beaten without stopping to check on him or offering to help him. A Samaritan passed. He not only stopped to check on him, but he also dressed his wounds, put him in an inn, and paid for his care.
We are often too consumed with ourselves. Our lives have been filled with so much "stuff" that we often don't even notice those who need our help. What about the other part of the definition? How are we doing when it comes to nurturing? For many of us, the best and easiest place to apply this is to our children. God has entrusted their lives to us so that we can emulate for them the life Christ expects of us.
Children come into the world like sponges. They are eager and willing to learn all that we have to share with them. They love us unconditionally and will do whatever it takes to make us happy. Remember, our children do not belong to us - they belong to God. Are we being responsible stewards over their development?
How much time are we giving to them? Living under the same roof is not enough. How much undivided attention are we giving them to help them learn how to handle the trials that life is sure to bring them? Are we helping them develop mentally, physically, spiritually? Are we equipping them to battle the enemy? Let's not take this responsibility lightly. Our kids' eternal lives depend on it!
Second responsibility: To take care of it.
This is the phrase used in the NIV Bible. The NASB version says "to keep it." When we take care of something, we are cautious, attentive, and protective. When we value something that we want to keep, we guard it to the extreme. Some of us are willing to lose our lives over certain things of value.
With that in mind, is this our approach to taking care of God's Kingdom and everything in it? Are we being cautious, attentive, and protective of one another? Are we doing what we can to minimize our wounds? Is it safe to say that we may even be self mutilators, bringing our own destruction?
While we are all part of one big body, we each have our own gardens to work and to take care of. This garden includes ourselves, our families, our community, our jobs, our finances. We are responsible for everything that God has entrusted to us.
Remember the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. When God calls us home, would we rather hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" or "You wicked, lazy servant!"? The good and faithful servant was allowed to share in his master's happiness. The wicked, lazy servant lost everything and was thrown out.
There may be some weeds in our gardens. But it's not too late to get out there and clean it up!