How to Copy 8 mm to DVD or CD
- 1). Take the sheet and tape it to the wall in the dark room. Make certain there are no wrinkles or creases, as these will show in the end product.
- 2). Set up your projector, aiming it carefully so the images from the filmstrips will appear on the sheet crisply and clearly.
- 3). Using your tripod, set up the camcorder so that it frames the projected movie with a little extra border space. You can use the zoom function to make the projection frames even with the digital camera framing. Get as close as you can but keep the film images in focus.
- 4). Once your projector and camera are set up, set the camcorder to record. Start playback of the film. Each 8 mm reel is about six minutes long. It is important to not move either the camera or the projector during the playback and recording process.
- 5). Connect your camcorder to the computer and copy the file to the external hard drive. For storage purposes, you may wish to copy the file to a CD in case corruption occurs during the editing process.
- 6). Open your editing software. Import the film file and re-export it as a MPEG, MP4, AVI or DivX file. Within the software, you should also be able to make adjustments for color restoration and brightness/contrast.
- 7). Burn the movie(s) to a DVD that will be playable on standard household players. Before burning copies for friends and family, test the burned DVD playback on a DVD player.