The 4-Hour Workweek Revised Edition by Timothy Ferriss
The big dream is to retire at age 65 with enough cash in the bank to do what you want for the rest of your life.
The premise of the book is that you can work only four hours per week and earn a living.
The author, Tim Ferriss, was your typical entrepreneur who did everything himself and thought no one could do anything he did better.
He didn't take time off and worked himself to the point of having a breakdown from the 80 plus hour weeks.
He decided that he needed to take some time off, but needed to make some changes in his business and himself before he could be away from the office for more than a couple of hours.
The book is about the changes that he and others made to free their time to do more of what they want in life such as, travel and spending time with family.
The added bonus that the author found was that his business became more efficient and profitable when he removed himself from most of the daily routine.
The author describes in detail what he and others have done to achieve more freedom in their lives.
In the revised edition of the book he adds case studies and comments from readers about the changes in their lives after reading the first edition and implementing the author's ideas and suggestions.
The author gives the names of companies, plans and services that he used to achieve the time freedom to pursue his dreams.
The book is directed at business owners and employees and offers ideas for both to become more efficient and productive with less time spent working.
Timothy Ferriss now travels and enjoys life experiences that the average person would consider reserved for multi-millionaires.
The author refers to this lifestyle as the life of the "New Rich".
The New Rich do not accept the deferred life plan that most baby boomers view as the norm.
The norm is to work for 45 - 50 years and then retire to do what you always wanted, if you still can.
The New Rich use mini retirements scattered throughout life instead of leaving everything to the end.
Life is supposed to be about the journey not the destination.
The concepts, ideas and plans described in the book apply to entrepreneurs, business owners, employees and people who are searching for what to do next in life.
If you are curious about what your life could be read this book, the journey will be amazing.