Sherwood Newcastle R-972 - Trinnov Auto Optimizer Main Menu
Here is a look at the Auto Setup page for the Trinnov Optimizer function.
The Trinnov Optimizer is a built-in loudspeaker setup and room equalization program.
The user can select up to three listening positions in the Calibrate section.
After the process is completed all measurements are save and can be viewed in the Results section.
For more on how the Trinnov Optimizer words, proceed to the next two photos...
The Trinnov Optimizer is a built-in loudspeaker setup and room equalization program.
The user can select up to three listening positions in the Calibrate section.
After the process is completed all measurements are save and can be viewed in the Results section.
For more on how the Trinnov Optimizer words, proceed to the next two photos...