How to Root a Leyland Cypress
- 1). Prepare container in which to root cuttings. Fill a shallow container with 4 to 6 inches of vermiculite. Water well but do not soak. Insert the eraser end of a pencil into the vermiculite to make holes for the cuttings. Set aside.
- 2). Take cuttings. Make the cuttings at least 6 inches long. Make your cuttings from new growth at the tips of the branches.
- 3). Remove leaves from the bottom 2 inches of stems.
- 4). Dip ends of cuttings into rooting hormone and place cuttings into prepared holes in vermiculite. Firm vermiculite around cuttings so they stand up by themselves.
- 5). Place the container of cuttings into a plastic bag but do not seal the bag. Keep in shade at temperature of about 68 degrees. Check the rooting medium often and keep it consistently moist.
- 6). Cuttings will root in 2 to 3 months. To test if a cutting has formed roots, gently tug on it. If it has formed roots, it will resist a slight tug. When roots are about 2 inches long, transplant to individual pots or the nursery area of garden.