Article Marketing For Personal Branding
Article Marketing is the quickest and most effective way to create a positive and powerful image.
It's so effective in fact, that it is responsible for converting mere men and women into legends.
Consider Anne Landers, Dave Berry, and even Mark Twain.
It is true that their articles were published in the print media, but those days are fading fast.
The new shapers of society are showing up on the Internet, and they don't need an OK from print editors to get their ideas published, and you don't either.
When you write an article and have it published on the Internet, you have the opportunity to create any image you choose.
If you put some thought into it, you can be perceived by your readers as charming, charismatic, intelligent and witty.
On the other hand, if you don't pay attention to what you're writing, you could just as easily be seen as arrogant, dishonest, dull or pushy.
The choice is yours.
The difference between the two is nothing more than time and attention to detail.
Let me explain.
Behavioral Psychologists are keen on a theory know as the Halo Effect.
The Halo Effect says that when you consider a person good or bad in one category, you are likely to make a similar evaluation of them in other categories.
I know this is true because I do it all the time.
For example, as the host of The Recognized Expert Marketing Show, I interview best selling marketing authors from around the world.
If their book is quick paced and funny, I assume they'll be the same on my show.
If their writing is dull and wordy, I put it aside and look for a more entertaining guest.
After doing hundreds of interviews, I've discovered that an authors writing skill is an indicator of his or her on-air personality, but I'm often wrong.
What does matter is that once the Halo Effect takes over, I either offer the author an opportunity to talk to my listening audience or I don't.
I make an assumption about their speaking skill based on their writing skill.
You do the same thing and so do your readers.
When you write a well crafted, witty and educational article, you're readers create a powerful perception of you in their mind.
Better yet, they will take that perception of you as a writer and project it onto you as a speaker, problem solver, cartoonist, juggler, father and presidential candidate.
Best of all, you have the ability to edit your article a thousand times before presenting it to your target market.
There are five criteria you need to consider when writing an article if you want to create the kind of image of yourself that prompts readers contact you.
The first is your ability to demonstrate your understanding of their problem.
In order to do that properly you must identify the problem, express your understanding of their pain and reveal their concern.
Do that in the first paragraph, and you'll have your audience eager to read more.
The second characteristic you want to convey is likability.
People are drawn to likable people and will go out of their way to see them succeed.
Likable people do one thing their counterparts don't do.
They know how to make their readers like themselves.
Let me repeat that.
They know how to make their readers like themselves.
Great writers convey that feeling in three ways.
They never talk down to their readers or make them feel stupid.
They share personal things about themselves in order to build common ground and they elevate their audience using humor, stories and other forms of entertainment.
The third component you want to promote in your article is your intelligence.
You do that through the topic you write about, your spelling, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and the logical structure of your article.
If you're new to article writing, find someone to look over your work.
Believe it or not, there are people who will disregard your solution to their problem because you misspelled a word.
Number four on the list is projecting authority.
By the mere fact you authored the article, readers will perceive you as an expert on the subject.
But there are stumbling stones that can undercut your guru status.
For example, it is better to avoid quoting another industry expert if you can avoid it.
If they don't add significant value of your article, don't mention them.
There is no reason to share your position as the recognized expert in your field with a competitor, but if they want to mention you in their article, let them.
The fifth and final component necessary in building a positive and professional image is encouragement.
Give your readers hope.
Let them know that they can and will overcome their problem.
You've done it, others have done it and so can they.
Your readers will love you for your heart felt inspiration.
It's so effective in fact, that it is responsible for converting mere men and women into legends.
Consider Anne Landers, Dave Berry, and even Mark Twain.
It is true that their articles were published in the print media, but those days are fading fast.
The new shapers of society are showing up on the Internet, and they don't need an OK from print editors to get their ideas published, and you don't either.
When you write an article and have it published on the Internet, you have the opportunity to create any image you choose.
If you put some thought into it, you can be perceived by your readers as charming, charismatic, intelligent and witty.
On the other hand, if you don't pay attention to what you're writing, you could just as easily be seen as arrogant, dishonest, dull or pushy.
The choice is yours.
The difference between the two is nothing more than time and attention to detail.
Let me explain.
Behavioral Psychologists are keen on a theory know as the Halo Effect.
The Halo Effect says that when you consider a person good or bad in one category, you are likely to make a similar evaluation of them in other categories.
I know this is true because I do it all the time.
For example, as the host of The Recognized Expert Marketing Show, I interview best selling marketing authors from around the world.
If their book is quick paced and funny, I assume they'll be the same on my show.
If their writing is dull and wordy, I put it aside and look for a more entertaining guest.
After doing hundreds of interviews, I've discovered that an authors writing skill is an indicator of his or her on-air personality, but I'm often wrong.
What does matter is that once the Halo Effect takes over, I either offer the author an opportunity to talk to my listening audience or I don't.
I make an assumption about their speaking skill based on their writing skill.
You do the same thing and so do your readers.
When you write a well crafted, witty and educational article, you're readers create a powerful perception of you in their mind.
Better yet, they will take that perception of you as a writer and project it onto you as a speaker, problem solver, cartoonist, juggler, father and presidential candidate.
Best of all, you have the ability to edit your article a thousand times before presenting it to your target market.
There are five criteria you need to consider when writing an article if you want to create the kind of image of yourself that prompts readers contact you.
The first is your ability to demonstrate your understanding of their problem.
In order to do that properly you must identify the problem, express your understanding of their pain and reveal their concern.
Do that in the first paragraph, and you'll have your audience eager to read more.
The second characteristic you want to convey is likability.
People are drawn to likable people and will go out of their way to see them succeed.
Likable people do one thing their counterparts don't do.
They know how to make their readers like themselves.
Let me repeat that.
They know how to make their readers like themselves.
Great writers convey that feeling in three ways.
They never talk down to their readers or make them feel stupid.
They share personal things about themselves in order to build common ground and they elevate their audience using humor, stories and other forms of entertainment.
The third component you want to promote in your article is your intelligence.
You do that through the topic you write about, your spelling, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and the logical structure of your article.
If you're new to article writing, find someone to look over your work.
Believe it or not, there are people who will disregard your solution to their problem because you misspelled a word.
Number four on the list is projecting authority.
By the mere fact you authored the article, readers will perceive you as an expert on the subject.
But there are stumbling stones that can undercut your guru status.
For example, it is better to avoid quoting another industry expert if you can avoid it.
If they don't add significant value of your article, don't mention them.
There is no reason to share your position as the recognized expert in your field with a competitor, but if they want to mention you in their article, let them.
The fifth and final component necessary in building a positive and professional image is encouragement.
Give your readers hope.
Let them know that they can and will overcome their problem.
You've done it, others have done it and so can they.
Your readers will love you for your heart felt inspiration.