41 Words You Can Use in Spanish To Say What"s in Your House
If you're like most of us, chances are you spend more time at home than you do anywhere else. So if you're looking at expanding your Spanish vocabulary, you might consider starting with some of the places you're most familiar with.
Following, then, are the most common Spanish words used for places and items in the house. Note that many of the words can vary with region, and many of the words can have other meanings in other contexts.
For example, while dormitorio is a common word for bedroom, it also can refer to the sleeping car of a train.
Rooms and areas of the house:
- attic:el ático, el desván, el entretecho
- basement:el sótano
- bathroom:el baño, el cuarto de baño, el retrete
- bedroom:el dormitorio
- closet, wardrobe:el armario, el ropero
- courtyard:el patio
- den, study:el estudio
- dining room:el comedor
- entryway:la entrada
- family room:la estancia, el cuarto de estar
- garage:el garage, la cochera
- kitchen:la cocina
- living room:la sala de estar, el salón
- room:el cuarto
Built-in features:
- ceiling:el techo
- cupboard:el armario, la despensa
- door:la puerta
- electrical socket:el enchufe (de pared)
- faucet:el grifo
- floor:el suelo (floor that is walked on), el piso (level of a building)
- (kitchen) counter:el mostrador (de cocina), la encimera (other words are also used in various areas)
- lamp:la lámpara
- light:la luz, la lámpara, la lámpara de techo (ceiling light), el plafón (ceiling light)
- mirror:el espejo
- roof:el tejado
- sink:el fregadero, el fregadero de cocina (kitchen sink), el fregadero de baño (bathroom sink)
- stairs:la escalera, las escaleras
- toilet:el váter, el wáter, el inodoro, el servicio, el retrete
- wall:la pared (inside), el muro (outside)
- window:la ventana
Appliances and furniture:
- bed:la cama
- blender:la licuadora
- chair:la silla
- chest of drawers:la cómoda
- couch, sofa:el sofá, el diván
- dishwasher:el lavavajillas, el lavaplatos, el friegaplatos (These are all compound nouns.)
- drier (for clothes):la secadora
- iron:la plancha
- oven:el horno (el horno microondas, or simply el microondas, microwave oven)
- stove:la estufa, la cocina (usage varies with region)
- table:la mesa
- toaster:el tostador, la tostadora
- vacuum cleaner:la aspiradora
- washer (for clothes):la lavadora