How to Arrange a Hen Night
As Matron/Maid of Honour at your friends wedding, it is often your job to arrange her hen night.
If you have never done this before it can be quite daunting as I found out myself a couple of years ago, now here I am again having to arrange another friends Hen Night.
This time however I have set myself some guidelines which I thought I would share with you.
Firstly it's best to find out who will be going and what there budget is likely to be, then you can have a look at what on offer to fit your budget, otherwise you could find yourself going round in circles of ideas so here we are a little checklist to help you out.
Arrange to meet everyone for coffee to discuss any ideas, here you can get an idea of what everyone wants to do, the budget they have for this and dates when everyone can be available.
Decide on a theme for the Hen Night and stick to it, if you have decided a fancy dress theme everyone will need time to find the costume right for them, you don't want people to feel uncomfortable on the night.
Get deposits from everyone, most places will ask for this and will not accept your booking unless you are able to pay.
Once you have decided on your Night, Make your booking, you don't want to be disappointed later.
It's always a good Idea to read reviews or testimonials on the place you have decided on, especially if you have not been before, the last thing you want to happen on your friends Hen Night is to turn up and find it's not what you were expecting and your friend wants to leave.
Optional - I made a goody bag for my friend, it was all just silly things in a bag like dare cards, shot glass, badges, hen sash, but I found she really loved it and to this day its in a memory box which she keeps and sometimes over a glass of wine we get the bag and have a little giggle about her hen night.
Remember to pay any balance that's left on your booking a couple of weeks before you are due to go, On our Hen night there was another party who forgot to do this and there table at the restaurant had been lost, they left with no food and no deposit and a very unhappy hen.
As its your friends last night as a single woman, you want it to be a special night, one for her to remember so make sure she has nothing to worry about at all, arrange all your transport in advance, We had a kitty which everyone put into, this meant our hen didn't have to buy any of her drinks all night after all paying for a wedding is an expensive game and every penny helps.
If you have never done this before it can be quite daunting as I found out myself a couple of years ago, now here I am again having to arrange another friends Hen Night.
This time however I have set myself some guidelines which I thought I would share with you.
Firstly it's best to find out who will be going and what there budget is likely to be, then you can have a look at what on offer to fit your budget, otherwise you could find yourself going round in circles of ideas so here we are a little checklist to help you out.
Arrange to meet everyone for coffee to discuss any ideas, here you can get an idea of what everyone wants to do, the budget they have for this and dates when everyone can be available.
Decide on a theme for the Hen Night and stick to it, if you have decided a fancy dress theme everyone will need time to find the costume right for them, you don't want people to feel uncomfortable on the night.
Get deposits from everyone, most places will ask for this and will not accept your booking unless you are able to pay.
Once you have decided on your Night, Make your booking, you don't want to be disappointed later.
It's always a good Idea to read reviews or testimonials on the place you have decided on, especially if you have not been before, the last thing you want to happen on your friends Hen Night is to turn up and find it's not what you were expecting and your friend wants to leave.
Optional - I made a goody bag for my friend, it was all just silly things in a bag like dare cards, shot glass, badges, hen sash, but I found she really loved it and to this day its in a memory box which she keeps and sometimes over a glass of wine we get the bag and have a little giggle about her hen night.
Remember to pay any balance that's left on your booking a couple of weeks before you are due to go, On our Hen night there was another party who forgot to do this and there table at the restaurant had been lost, they left with no food and no deposit and a very unhappy hen.
As its your friends last night as a single woman, you want it to be a special night, one for her to remember so make sure she has nothing to worry about at all, arrange all your transport in advance, We had a kitty which everyone put into, this meant our hen didn't have to buy any of her drinks all night after all paying for a wedding is an expensive game and every penny helps.