Canine UTI - Identifying the Problem
If your dog seems to be having trouble urinating, it's one sign that he or she may have a canine UTI.
A urinary tract infection is a very painful condition for your pet.
Not only that, but it can cause lots of medical problem and, in some cases, death, so it's important to prevent them, whenever possible.
A canine UTI is not the only possible reason for your dog to have trouble urination, though.
There are several others.
Your dog could have an injury.
He or she could also have bladder stones.
Also, bladder control problems can sometimes just come with the territory, when your dog gets older.
So, let's talk about the possibilities and how to deal with them.
Bladder Stones and Injuries: Bladder stones are actually made up of unprocessed calcium deposits.
They can happen to your dog if his or her urine is not pH balanced properly.
Among other things, bladder stones can cause bloody urine and a lot of pain for your friend, so you should see a vet immediately, if you suspect stones.
Also, stones can be linked to a canine UTI, so your dog may have both issues.
Consider talking to your dog's vet about a natural supplement to treat the problem, rather than harsh antibiotics.
If you think that your dog has been injured in an accident, such as being hit by a car or falling down a flight of stairs, you should, obviously, see the vet immediately, too.
Be sure to tell the vet exactly what happened and when, since it will affect how they decide to proceed.
UTI: As with bladder stones, a canine UTI can cause some very uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms for your pet.
If he or she is incontinent or seems to be in pain when they urinate, it could be a UTI that is causing the problem.
Again, you should take your dog to the vet immediately, if you suspect a canine UTI.
Just be aware, though.
The vet is likely to prescribe antibiotics.
While they do have their uses, they can actually cause your dog to experience other problems, like vomiting.
If you don't want to fix one problem, while creating another, you should ask your dog's vet about natural supplements to treat the UTI, instead.
Many natural supplements work even better than antibiotics, since supplements can also help to prevent UTI's in the future and don't come with so many side-effects.
Age: Unfortunately, all pets age.
That doesn't necessarily mean that all pets have to be in pain when they age, though, especially when it comes to urinary tract issues, like a canine UTI.
You can give your older dog natural supplements, just as you would a younger dog.
The best part is that many of the common supplements for dogs come in a granulated form.
So, all you need to do is sprinkle a little in your dog's mouth or on their food and you'll be doing your part to ensure that their long life is even longer and happier.
Just remember, whether you suspect a canine UTI or some other condition, consult a professional and do your research.
Be sure that you are choosing the right natural supplement for your pet and using it the right way.
That way, you'll be doing all that you can to make you dog's life the best it can be.
A urinary tract infection is a very painful condition for your pet.
Not only that, but it can cause lots of medical problem and, in some cases, death, so it's important to prevent them, whenever possible.
A canine UTI is not the only possible reason for your dog to have trouble urination, though.
There are several others.
Your dog could have an injury.
He or she could also have bladder stones.
Also, bladder control problems can sometimes just come with the territory, when your dog gets older.
So, let's talk about the possibilities and how to deal with them.
Bladder Stones and Injuries: Bladder stones are actually made up of unprocessed calcium deposits.
They can happen to your dog if his or her urine is not pH balanced properly.
Among other things, bladder stones can cause bloody urine and a lot of pain for your friend, so you should see a vet immediately, if you suspect stones.
Also, stones can be linked to a canine UTI, so your dog may have both issues.
Consider talking to your dog's vet about a natural supplement to treat the problem, rather than harsh antibiotics.
If you think that your dog has been injured in an accident, such as being hit by a car or falling down a flight of stairs, you should, obviously, see the vet immediately, too.
Be sure to tell the vet exactly what happened and when, since it will affect how they decide to proceed.
UTI: As with bladder stones, a canine UTI can cause some very uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms for your pet.
If he or she is incontinent or seems to be in pain when they urinate, it could be a UTI that is causing the problem.
Again, you should take your dog to the vet immediately, if you suspect a canine UTI.
Just be aware, though.
The vet is likely to prescribe antibiotics.
While they do have their uses, they can actually cause your dog to experience other problems, like vomiting.
If you don't want to fix one problem, while creating another, you should ask your dog's vet about natural supplements to treat the UTI, instead.
Many natural supplements work even better than antibiotics, since supplements can also help to prevent UTI's in the future and don't come with so many side-effects.
Age: Unfortunately, all pets age.
That doesn't necessarily mean that all pets have to be in pain when they age, though, especially when it comes to urinary tract issues, like a canine UTI.
You can give your older dog natural supplements, just as you would a younger dog.
The best part is that many of the common supplements for dogs come in a granulated form.
So, all you need to do is sprinkle a little in your dog's mouth or on their food and you'll be doing your part to ensure that their long life is even longer and happier.
Just remember, whether you suspect a canine UTI or some other condition, consult a professional and do your research.
Be sure that you are choosing the right natural supplement for your pet and using it the right way.
That way, you'll be doing all that you can to make you dog's life the best it can be.