How to Clean Pool Water
- 1). Attach the brush to the long-handled pole and use it to brush down the sides of the pool and any steps. Push debris toward the filter of the pool.
- 2). Attach the leaf net to the long handle to skim any floating debris off the top of the water. If you see floating debris underwater, try to scoop it out with the net.
- 3). Attach the vacuum head to the long-handled pole. Turn on the pool pump to vacuum. Attach the hose of the vacuum head to the skimmer basket on the side of the pool deck. The hose has a flat plate that fits on the skimmer basket. The suction holds it in place. Vacuum the bottom of the pool and remove all debris. Turn off the vacuum on the pool pump and backwash if needed by turning the lever to "backwash."
- 4). Remove the vacuum hose plate from the skimmer basket and empty out the basket. Replace the basket in the skimmer hole.
- 5). Use the pool test kit to test the water condition. A tubular container allows you to test the pH, alkalinity and chlorine level all at once. Add chemicals as required according to the color chart on the test tube.
- 6). Add algaecide if the pool is showing signs (hazy water, greenish hue) of algae growth. Follow the directions on the bottle of algaecide for the size pool you are treating.