How to Answer Interview Questions About Teamwork
Teamwork is a priority for many employers, so when you're preparing for your next interview, be sure you're ready to talk about your ability to work with others.
Questions About Teamwork
There are a variety of questions an employer might ask - like "Describe being a part of team." "Tell me about a challenging workplace situation that you had to deal with." or "What role have you played in team situations." - to gauge your experience with teamwork.
These questions provide you with the opportunity to discuss some of your characteristics that enable you to work well with your co-workers, supervisors, and clients.
Teamwork Skills
Here are some skills you'll want to keep in mind as you brainstorm:
- Active Listening
- Delegating, setting goals and timetables
- Developing consensus
- Drawing out the input of introverts
- Encouraging slackers to pull their weight
- Framing key issues
- Jumping in to do additional work during times of crisis
- Listening
- Leadership
- Mediating conflicts
- Monitoring progress
- Recognizing the achievements of others
- Team Building
- Teamwork
Best Answers
With these in mind, think of at least two team situations when you were an active contributor and had a positive track record. At least one of these examples should have a context where problems or challenges arose and you intervened to help turn the group around.
Don't limit yourself to paid employment situations if you have a limited work history. Consider group projects for classes, club involvements and volunteer work as well.
Telling a story is often the most effective way to communicate your strengths as a team member. Describe the mission of the group, any obstacles that arose, the actions you took as a group member to contribute, along with how things turned out in the end.
Review the list of skills above, and try to incorporate as many of these and similar strengths as possible.
Here's a sample answer to offer you some inspiration:
"When I was a junior, I worked on a case project for a marketing class where six of us were asked to analyze the marketing practices of and to make recommendations for alternative approaches. Early on we floundered in an effort to find a focus. I suggested that we look at Amazon's advertising strategy within the social media."
"I led a discussion about the pros and cons of that topic, and encouraged a couple of the more reticent members to chime in. Two of the group members didn't initially embrace my original proposal. However, I was able to draw consensus after incorporating their suggestion that we focus on targeted advertising within Facebook based on users expressed interests."
"We ended up working hard as a group, receiving very positive feedback from our professor and getting an A grade on the project."
Now, apply this type of narrative to your own experience and skills, and practice a few times so you're ready to deliver your answer with success.
Read More: More Questions About Teamwork | List of Teamwork Skills
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