Cheats for Escape the Pear Room
- Take the puzzle piece under the green pot. Also, take the piece under the tablecloth and behind the curtains.Get two more pieces by using every tool by the chimney on the chimney until the pieces fall down. Walk toward the tree and click the rocking chair. Turn on the lamp and look at the lampshade to get your next hint.
Go to the clock and set it for 12 o'clock. Pull the cord on the clock three times and Santa will come out of the doors. In his hands, he will have another puzzle piece. Right click the base of the tree. Take the star and place it on the reindeer head. Right click the reindeer's chin. Place all your puzzle pieces on the bed and move onto the cabinet. Take the scissors and the puzzle piece from the cabinet. Shake the hat found in this cabinet to get another piece of the puzzle. Study the painting in the room to find two more pieces of the puzzle.
Take all the presents on the floor and put them in your inventory. There will be a puzzle piece on the floor where the presents were. Examine the presents until you find a puzzle piece hidden in one of the ribbons. Use your scissors on this ribbon to cut it and get your puzzle piece. Put all the presents back where you found them so they do not clog up your inventory. Take the pillow off the bed to find a puzzle piece under it. Lift the lamp and bed to find a puzzle piece hidden under the foot of the bed, along with an axe.
Go to the door and lift the rug by clicking all four corners. Underneath, you will find two more puzzle pieces. Take the lighter that is also hidden under the rug. Examine the skis and boots to find more puzzle pieces. Look at the tree again, cut a sack of pears and put all the ornaments in the sack. Collect all the candles and use the lighter on them to light them. Put the lighter back under the rug and use your axe on the cake and table to retrieve more puzzle pieces. Go back to the tree and cut all the branches off, then cut the puzzle piece from the top of the tree.
Place the axe back where you got it and use the tree you just trimmed to bash down the door. Open the sack to find a puzzle piece and a Santa costume piece. Use the fire poker on the door to get a beard. Use the broom and the shovel on the snow pile outside to get the last piece of the puzzle. Ring the bells in the room to get your key. Listen carefully because you will have to ring the bells back in the same order manually. Take the key that drops down before continuing.
Press the button behind the presents against the cabinet. The cabinet will move and there will be a safe behind it. Use the key on the safe to get a stash of money and a Santa suit. Use the Santa suit and you will be able to leave.
Escaping the Pear Room