Learn About the God Mars, Rome"s Honored War God
War Gods | Roman Gods > Mars
Mars (Mavors or Mamers) is an old Italian fertility god who came to be known as Gradivus, the strider, and the god of war. Although usually taken to be the equivalent of the Greek war god Ares, Mars was well-liked and honored by the Romans, unlike Ares vis à vis the ancient Greeks.
Mars sired Romulus and Remus, making the Romans his children. He was usually called the son of Juno and Jupiter, just as Ares was taken to be the son of Hera and Zeus.
The Romans named an area beyond the walls of their city for Mars, the Campus Martius 'Field of Mars'. Within the city of Rome were temples honoring the god. Throwing open the gates of his temple symbolized war.
On 1 March (the month named for Mars), Romans honored both Mars and the New Year with special rites (feriae Martis). This was the beginning of the Roman year from the period of kings through most of the Roman Republic. Other festivals to honor Mars were the second* Equirria (14 March), agonium Martiale (17 March), Quinquatrus (19 March), and Tubilustrium (23 March). These March festivals were probably all connected in some way with the campaign season.
The special priest of Mars was the flamen Martialis. There were special flamines (the plural of flamen) for Jupiter and Quirinus, as well. Special priest-dancers, known as salii, performed war-dances in honor of the gods on the 1,9, and 23 of March. In October, the Armilustrum on 19th and the Equus on the Ides appear to have honored war (the end of the campaign season) and Mars, as well.
[Source: Herbert Jennings Rose, John Scheid "Mars" The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Ed. Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. Oxford University Press, 1998.]
The symbols of Mars are the wolf, woodpecker, and lance. Iron is his metal. Certain personifications or goddesses accompanied him. These included a personification of war, Bellona, Discord, Fear, Dread, Panic, and Virtue, among others.
Also see:
War Gods
Goddesses of War
Table of Greek and Roman Gods
*Ovid calls it the second, but in the old Roman calendar it would have been the first. See "October Horse," by C. Bennett Pascal; Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 85, (1981), pp. 261-291.
Also Known As: Mamers, Gravidus, Ares, Mavors
Examples: Mars was named Mars Ultor 'Avenger' under Augustus for Mars' help in punishing the assassins of Julius Caesar.
Mars marries Anna Perenna in Ovid Fasti 3. 675 ff.
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