How to Lose Wrinkles on Your Neck - Try Using Functional Keratin and Take Fish Oil
Therefore, you need to include the neck area in your daily skin care regimen.
Most people only concentrate on their face and totally neglect their neck.
Here are some important recommendations.
Always Apply Sun Block On Your Neck When exposed to sunlight, always put sun block on the exposed area of your skin.
This includes the face and the neck as well.
Zinc oxide is the safest and most effective sun block to use.
If your makeup claims that it has sunscreen, do not fully depend on it.
There are doubts regarding adding sunscreen to makeup whether it can really provide the needed benefits.
Sunscreen protects your skin for only a short period of time.
And since you only apply makeup once at certain period, the protection it provides might not enough.
You can get greater benefits in using sun block, one of which is protection from free radicals.
Although your skin has its own natural process to restore itself, it is free radical effects coming from the sun's UV rays that can worsen it.
Use a Deep Moisturizing Mask Recent studies have discovered a substance that can help get rid of neck wrinkles.
It is called Rigin which functions as a deep moisturizing mask.
It increases the skin's needed moisture leaving it firm and wrinkle free.
Rigin also has the ability to stimulate the creation of new elastic fibers.
With regular use, every two weeks is recommended, you will soon notice 40 percent improvement in your skin's firmness and 27 percent in its elasticity.
Use Keratin Enriched Day Cream Regular use of cream rich in keratin is another way to reduce neck wrinkles.
You can apply this cream daily on your neck including your face as well.
Keratin is a type of protein found in the skin cells which retains moisture.
In order for keratin to take effect, it must be bioavailable, meaning compatible with your body system.
There are only quite a few manufacturers consider adding bioavailable keratin to their cream formula which can help improve the skin's elasticity at around 40 percent in 18 days.
Add Fish Oil to Your Diet Taking fish oil supplement can also help lose wrinkles on your neck.
Research has shown 10 percent changes of the skin's firmness around the neck area.
There are other high quality cream brands that are rich in antioxidants like lycopene and astaxanthin.
These types of antioxidants are proven to help reverse the aging process and restore free radical damage.