Does Collagen Facial Cream Work?
As we get older and hopefully wiser, we start to get wrinkles and age spots and our skin loses the firmness it once had. This is due to the levels of the skins two most important proteins, collagen and elastin, decreasing as we age.
Now this is where the collagen facial cream myth is exposed because it is scientifically proven that collagens molecules are too big to penetrate the skin, as so no benefit can be had whatsoever. In addition, they contain harmful chemicals and additives that actually strip the skin of its natural oils.
Check your current skin care or collagen creams for these toxins: mineral oil (paraffin wax, petrolatum), parabens (methyl, propyl) and fragrances which could be any number of thousands of chemicals. I recently popped into my local health shop and every single "natural" and very expensive cream contained a number of these ingredients.
Once we learn what to look for we can make a more informed choice, and improve our health and look younger in the process!
So now we know that we don't want collagen facial cream, what should we look for? One company from New Zealand has the answer with a breakthrough substance called Cynergy TK. This amazing ingredient, an extract from sheep wool, will enable your body to make more collagen and elastin, removing wrinkles and lines in just a matter of weeks.
The clinical trials back this up with a sustained improvement in skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days, and remember, this is a natural substance that also has lots of antioxidants to help keep your skin cells healthy and boost your immune system too.
So avoid collagen facial cream or any collagen creams for that matter and research some more and you will find super ingredients like this that can give you back your soft and supple skin. For instance another one is Phytessence wakame from Japanese sea kelp.
This is used in the daily diet in Japan for its health qualities and has long been a prized beauty secret. It is brimming with antioxidants, calcium and vitamins to moisturize and smooth your skin, and help to prevent wrinkles and rashes from returning.
This is the way forward in skin care to have completely natural ingredients, with no harmful chemicals, that not only restore your skin to its youthful glow but also improve your overall health. In addition they are not as expensive as the overrated big name brands.
Now you know the truth about collagen facial cream, why not make it a point to only use natural, effective ingredients and have healthy younger looking skin once more.
To discover more potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy, visit my website today.