Looking For A Simple Permanent Solution To Cold Sores?
If you are new to cold sores and are considering taking any medication you should first and foremost consult your doctor, especially if you are using any prescription medications.
This is also the case if you are thinking of trying any home remedies.
There are home remedies which work for curing cold sores.
They help to alleviate the symptoms and they also can reduce the time of the out breaks.
So the good news is there are home remedies that you can use to get rid of those awful fever blisters: Many of these remedies you may already know.
Doctors are also advising their patients to apply these remedies.
There is data and studies out there which back up the effectiveness of natural remedies.
These remedies can reduce the suffering time of cold sores by 79%.
In some cases they can actually prevent future cold sores.
Let's be clear what we mean by this.
When preventing cold sores using these remedies, it is not to say that they will kill the virus, however they can keep it inactive indefinitely.
Once again there are lots of choices when it comes to remedies for cold sores.
Let's discuss some of these remedies.
One such remedy comes from drinking green tea.
If you like green tea and have a "cuppa" in the morning when you are done let the teabag cool then you can apply it to the cold sore With that said different remedies work better for different people.
In actual fact on the downside some may not work at all.
Another home remedy available to you is garlic.
Cut a clove open and apply to the affected area.
If you would like to learn more on how to permanently prevent cold sores with a step-by-step program to help you throughout the entire easy process, then just visit one of the links below.
This is also the case if you are thinking of trying any home remedies.
There are home remedies which work for curing cold sores.
They help to alleviate the symptoms and they also can reduce the time of the out breaks.
So the good news is there are home remedies that you can use to get rid of those awful fever blisters: Many of these remedies you may already know.
Doctors are also advising their patients to apply these remedies.
There is data and studies out there which back up the effectiveness of natural remedies.
These remedies can reduce the suffering time of cold sores by 79%.
In some cases they can actually prevent future cold sores.
Let's be clear what we mean by this.
When preventing cold sores using these remedies, it is not to say that they will kill the virus, however they can keep it inactive indefinitely.
Once again there are lots of choices when it comes to remedies for cold sores.
Let's discuss some of these remedies.
One such remedy comes from drinking green tea.
If you like green tea and have a "cuppa" in the morning when you are done let the teabag cool then you can apply it to the cold sore With that said different remedies work better for different people.
In actual fact on the downside some may not work at all.
Another home remedy available to you is garlic.
Cut a clove open and apply to the affected area.
If you would like to learn more on how to permanently prevent cold sores with a step-by-step program to help you throughout the entire easy process, then just visit one of the links below.