Five things every father should teach his son(s)
There are five things that every father should teach his son(s):
Number one: Success is not a goal one obtains but an attitude that one displays. One may hope for change, but change is not possible unless one is willing to change one's own attitude. For example, people may cause us grief, but we cannot change the heart of people. People do what they want; independent of what we want; therefore, we change our attitude towards people and the grief is nullified. If someone dislikes me and gives me a hard time, I change my attitude of wanting to correct that person's behavior towards me and relate to the person differently. Someone once said that in order to destroy your enemy, you make them your friend. If you choose not to make this particular person your friend, then learn to ignore him or avoid him. The point is that you are the one responsible for changing, not the person bothering you. Let a fool remain a fool.
Number two: Relationships worth keeping are worth keeping. If you choose to invest time and effort in a relationship, making it more special than just a friendship€"then do not ever throw away that relationship. Guard it. Nurture it. Value it. It is an investment as well as an asset. It will be like having money in the bank. We are social creatures and need human contact. A firm relationship with an esteemed person will bless you throughout your life. Guarding over that relationship will teach you the true value of integrity, fidelity, humility, prudence, wisdom and every other virtue that you will need to make a name for yourself in this world. Relationships are valuable throughout one's life.
Number three: Know your limits objectively. As a child grows, he will receive praise and adoration by those who love him and can see no wrong in him. This is a fault among doting parents. If a son does not learn to evaluate himself objectively, the world will crush him. No one in this world will love your son like you do. And, some may seek to do him harm. A son needs to learn failure as well as success. Yes, a son may learn many valuable lessons from falling flat on his face. He will learn to respect authority by being humiliated and corrected, but the lesson learned may keep him from taking the wrong path of rebellion and disrespect. He will learn his limitations, which is necessary to live a healthy and balanced life.
Number four: Learn that money is only a tool, not an end in itself. What a fruitless life to live for the almighty dollar. Money is not happiness. Love for money alone is nothing more than an addiction that kills the human soul. Do not get me wrong on this point. Money is important. It is wise to make a good living and invest wisely for a retirement. But a love or pursuit for money alone does nothing to advance one's purpose in life. We are creatures with purpose that is expressed not in possessions alone but in the giving away of ourselves to others. One is rich who pours his life into others for the common good.
Number five: There is a God in heaven who requires accountability from every person; therefore, live your life in humility before Him. The Bible says many good things. One thing it says is that wisdom is found in the man who hears and applies his father's instructions. One thing I want from my son is for him to exercise wisdom from having learned these five things that every father should teach his son. And he did. I am extremely proud of my one and only son. He has proven himself wise to the world's ways. This is true success.
Terry Dashner
Number one: Success is not a goal one obtains but an attitude that one displays. One may hope for change, but change is not possible unless one is willing to change one's own attitude. For example, people may cause us grief, but we cannot change the heart of people. People do what they want; independent of what we want; therefore, we change our attitude towards people and the grief is nullified. If someone dislikes me and gives me a hard time, I change my attitude of wanting to correct that person's behavior towards me and relate to the person differently. Someone once said that in order to destroy your enemy, you make them your friend. If you choose not to make this particular person your friend, then learn to ignore him or avoid him. The point is that you are the one responsible for changing, not the person bothering you. Let a fool remain a fool.
Number two: Relationships worth keeping are worth keeping. If you choose to invest time and effort in a relationship, making it more special than just a friendship€"then do not ever throw away that relationship. Guard it. Nurture it. Value it. It is an investment as well as an asset. It will be like having money in the bank. We are social creatures and need human contact. A firm relationship with an esteemed person will bless you throughout your life. Guarding over that relationship will teach you the true value of integrity, fidelity, humility, prudence, wisdom and every other virtue that you will need to make a name for yourself in this world. Relationships are valuable throughout one's life.
Number three: Know your limits objectively. As a child grows, he will receive praise and adoration by those who love him and can see no wrong in him. This is a fault among doting parents. If a son does not learn to evaluate himself objectively, the world will crush him. No one in this world will love your son like you do. And, some may seek to do him harm. A son needs to learn failure as well as success. Yes, a son may learn many valuable lessons from falling flat on his face. He will learn to respect authority by being humiliated and corrected, but the lesson learned may keep him from taking the wrong path of rebellion and disrespect. He will learn his limitations, which is necessary to live a healthy and balanced life.
Number four: Learn that money is only a tool, not an end in itself. What a fruitless life to live for the almighty dollar. Money is not happiness. Love for money alone is nothing more than an addiction that kills the human soul. Do not get me wrong on this point. Money is important. It is wise to make a good living and invest wisely for a retirement. But a love or pursuit for money alone does nothing to advance one's purpose in life. We are creatures with purpose that is expressed not in possessions alone but in the giving away of ourselves to others. One is rich who pours his life into others for the common good.
Number five: There is a God in heaven who requires accountability from every person; therefore, live your life in humility before Him. The Bible says many good things. One thing it says is that wisdom is found in the man who hears and applies his father's instructions. One thing I want from my son is for him to exercise wisdom from having learned these five things that every father should teach his son. And he did. I am extremely proud of my one and only son. He has proven himself wise to the world's ways. This is true success.
Terry Dashner