After Birth Weight Control
After having given birth; weight becomes a lasting issue for many women.
Every year, there are many women who have left overweight brought on bythe loving process of pregnancy.
Once the baby is born you lose 12.
5 - 14 pounds, anyweight above that must be taken off by the new mom, if she so desire and if her doctor deems it beneficial for hertodoso.
Each woman has her own reason(s) for wanting to lose their after birth weight.
The reasons usually fall in the areapersonal, health andprofessional reasons.
For thesewomen we publish this article.
Retained Weight After Pregnancy is Linked to aGene Dr.
Winfried Siffert and his colleagues (from the University Hospital in Essen, Germany) studied 792 young healthywomen who were becoming first time mothers or have had only one other baby before These women entered intoa weight comparison study.
Winfried Siffert and colleaguse determinedthatthe womenwhohadthegene; G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT was more likely to hang onto theirweight after having given birth than those who did not have the gene.
Putting this study together with a separateresearch done earlier suggest that the G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT gene is likely to causeirregularities in metabolism.
Ross D.
Feldman and Robert A.
Hegele of the University of Western Ontario, Canada,wrote in their editorial concerning the studies.
The Drs.
also noted that more research is needed to be able to link weight with the gene.
If you believe you have this gene working against you, do not be dismayed.
Research also show that moms with this gene canstill lose after birth weight simply by execerising a miniumum of one hour per week.
By execrising one hour mimium per week, moms with the G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT gene are just as likely to lose weight as other moms without this gene.
Precaution: Never start any weight loss or execrise program without first consulting a physician.
(c) Jacqueline Ennis2005 - [http://www.
Every year, there are many women who have left overweight brought on bythe loving process of pregnancy.
Once the baby is born you lose 12.
5 - 14 pounds, anyweight above that must be taken off by the new mom, if she so desire and if her doctor deems it beneficial for hertodoso.
Each woman has her own reason(s) for wanting to lose their after birth weight.
The reasons usually fall in the areapersonal, health andprofessional reasons.
For thesewomen we publish this article.
Retained Weight After Pregnancy is Linked to aGene Dr.
Winfried Siffert and his colleagues (from the University Hospital in Essen, Germany) studied 792 young healthywomen who were becoming first time mothers or have had only one other baby before These women entered intoa weight comparison study.
Winfried Siffert and colleaguse determinedthatthe womenwhohadthegene; G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT was more likely to hang onto theirweight after having given birth than those who did not have the gene.
Putting this study together with a separateresearch done earlier suggest that the G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT gene is likely to causeirregularities in metabolism.
Ross D.
Feldman and Robert A.
Hegele of the University of Western Ontario, Canada,wrote in their editorial concerning the studies.
The Drs.
also noted that more research is needed to be able to link weight with the gene.
If you believe you have this gene working against you, do not be dismayed.
Research also show that moms with this gene canstill lose after birth weight simply by execerising a miniumum of one hour per week.
By execrising one hour mimium per week, moms with the G protein beta-3 subunit 825TT gene are just as likely to lose weight as other moms without this gene.
Precaution: Never start any weight loss or execrise program without first consulting a physician.
(c) Jacqueline Ennis2005 - [http://www.