Savings Accounts for Kids and Adults Earn Interest
Savings accounts set aside funds for future needs while earning interest at the same time. Opening savings accounts for kids teaches them the financial responsibilities of how to save, budget, and spend money. Good savings habits are taught at an early age, and they can enjoy seeing their savings grow for a first car, college, apartment, house, or a rainy day. Adults looking into opening a savings account often open a high yield money market one as weel. These types can earn higher interest than regular savings accounts and are more accessible than CD's or Certificates of Deposit.
Parents can open a savings for their children before they are born, as babies, or when they are old enough to sign a signature card. The two types of accounts available are statement and passbook ones. Statement accounts offer a monthly statement listing deposits, withdrawals, and interest. Passbook accounts consist of a transaction register to keep track of monthly activity. Many new ones can be opened with a low or no minimum amount and charge no monthly fees. Some banks offer rewards when deposits are made. Bank accounts for kids under eighteen years old require a joint one with a parent.
High yield market accounts are offered by banks and credit unions. Opening these accounts requires a minimum amount that must be maintained in order to prevent additional service fees being charged. Only six withdrawals are permitted each month with three being checks. For those new to investing, this low risk savings account provides a good start. This account is ideal to save for emergencies, vacations, new car, house, or baby.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures savings accounts for kids opened at banks, and the National Credit Union Administration insures credit union accounts including high yield money market accounts. These accounts provide secure methods of saving funds and earning interest at the same time. Kids learn the value of a dollar and how to plan for the future. Adults can open one or more accounts for specific future projects or plans. Regardless of which savings account is utilized, the account holder will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the account increases over time.
Parents can open a savings for their children before they are born, as babies, or when they are old enough to sign a signature card. The two types of accounts available are statement and passbook ones. Statement accounts offer a monthly statement listing deposits, withdrawals, and interest. Passbook accounts consist of a transaction register to keep track of monthly activity. Many new ones can be opened with a low or no minimum amount and charge no monthly fees. Some banks offer rewards when deposits are made. Bank accounts for kids under eighteen years old require a joint one with a parent.
High yield market accounts are offered by banks and credit unions. Opening these accounts requires a minimum amount that must be maintained in order to prevent additional service fees being charged. Only six withdrawals are permitted each month with three being checks. For those new to investing, this low risk savings account provides a good start. This account is ideal to save for emergencies, vacations, new car, house, or baby.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures savings accounts for kids opened at banks, and the National Credit Union Administration insures credit union accounts including high yield money market accounts. These accounts provide secure methods of saving funds and earning interest at the same time. Kids learn the value of a dollar and how to plan for the future. Adults can open one or more accounts for specific future projects or plans. Regardless of which savings account is utilized, the account holder will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the account increases over time.