The Most Effective Neck Firming Cream
This is so because the skin on your neck is very thin and susceptible to sagging because with age your body looses vital proteins, collagen and elastin.
These two proteins are responsible for skin's firmness and elasticity.
Finding a great neck firming cream to solve this problem is what you need.
However, before you can find the right cream you need to know what ingredients to look for in a natural active neck firming cream.
You might think that purchasing neck firming cream with collagen and elastin is what you need, however, that is not the case .
Neck firming cream that contain collagen and elastin will not solve this problem because collagen and elastin, when used in a cream or lotion is ineffective.
The molecules of these two proteins are too large the skin is unable to absorb them.
When applied topically, these two proteins does not deliver the desired effects.
Also a good neck firming cream should not contain synthetic chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, some alcohols, and mineral oil.
These substances are harsh and can negatively impact your skin.
In fact, they will dry your skin causing even more problems than just the sagging, causing you to have to find further treatment that might irritate your already sensitive skin.
On the other hand, what you need to look for in a good neck firming cream is ingredients that will stimulate your body's own collagen and elastin production.
You might be wondering if that is possible.
Yes, it is, but only if you are using the right product with the right ingredients.
One such ingredients is Cynergy TK.
It has been proven in clinical trials to stimulate the body's ability to produce collagen, elastin and re-grow new skin cells, it also has the ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
Therefore you should definitely make sure this ingredient is in any neck firming cream you will be purchasing.
Free radicals is another reason the skin under your neck sags.
Unhealthy lifestyle and other environmental factors, can cause free radicals to attack your body causing the breakdown of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
With the breakdown of these very important substances your body looses its ability to stay firm and elastic causing you to have an older looking appearance.
You should also make sure that any neck firming cream you purchasing contains Phytessence Wakame, this is also another great ingredients, made from Japanese sea kelp, that will help your body to actively reproduce the loss collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid which are needed for good skin health.
You can learn more about the ingredients that I recommend you look for in an effective neck firming cream by visiting my website.