How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia - Possible Options
The growth of chest fat or glandular breast tissue is a very embarrassing condition for most men.
It prevents men to strip off their shirt at the beach and often affect the subject self-esteem.
Gynecomastia is caused by several factors.
This disorder is due to hormonal changes during puberty, high intake of fat and carbohydrates, side effects of medications and in rare cases it can be the side-effect of a genetic defect.
For most men, getting rid of their man boobs is a problem.
Some find it difficult to find ways to get rid of their chest fat.
To begin with, there are easy ways and complex ways (for severe cases) to get rid of this problem.
Do Nothing During the teenage years or puberty, the body is in hormonal imbalance since there are sudden surge of different hormones.
Usually form the age of 13-18, a man might observe growth of extra breast tissues.
Do not be alarmed, this is a normal situation that happens during puberty.
However, not all males experience this event during their teenage days.
These boobs will just disappear within 2 to 4 years after its occurrence, mostly, when the body has already adapted the change of hormones and are already capable of balancing them.
But if you want a doctor's advice, then feel free to consult with your physician.
Eat Properly As the world is becoming modernized, emergence of instant foods and those that are refined are rich in fats and carbohydrates.
These fats, if not properly used, will be stored inside the body and one of its storage sites is the breast.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body but if there is too much accumulation of carbohydrates, they combine with fats to form fat tissues.
Therefore, eating these foods in moderate amount is advisable.
Instead of eating too much fat and carbohydrates, eat protein to promote muscle growth which would thin down the fat tissues in your body.
Exercise Regularly Exercise helps to prevent the formation of fat tissues.
Performing exercises on a regular basishelps the body burn the carbohydrates and the fat stored in the body.
By exercising your pectoralis, it doesn't only burn the fats on your chest but promotes muscle growth and development as well.
Surgery Surgery should be the last solution for most men suffering from gynecomastia.
But for men who don't have time for exercise, then this method is perfectly suited for them.
Lyposuction is also available for gynecomastia.
However, surgery is very expensive and cannot be covered by insurance companies.