How to Donate Craft Supplies
- 1). Collect all your craft supplies to be donated in one bag, box, tray or bin. Lay the other two containers out nearby.
- 2). Sort through the craft supplies. Place any supplies that are empty or broken or have missing parts in one of the empty boxes. These will not be donated. Place all other craft supplies that are still usable in the other vacant box. These will be donated.
- 3). Discard the supplies that you deemed unsuitable for donation. Bring the empty container they were in back for more sorting, if necessary.
- 4). Pick through the supplies that were suitable for donation and collect all "like" items together. Place them in paper or plastic bags or secure them with rubber bands, when possible, to keep them together. For example, gather all colored pencils and secure them together with a rubber band. Place all embroidery floss, rubber stamps and yarn in their respective bags. Stack similar sizes of colored paper together.
- 5). Wipe off any dried paint with a damp sponge or rag, as necessary, and assemble any multi-piece items--such as craft lights and electric trimmers--collecting any extra parts or attachments in a bag and then taping it securely to the item.
- 6). Write down an itemized inventory of what you're donating. This step will only take a couple of minutes if you wait to do it until you're organized, and it will go even faster if you have a friend write the items and quantities down as you call them out.
- 7). Save the itemized inventory and any receipts you may receive in return for the donation with your other tax documents. Depending on current tax law and what you've donated, you may qualify for a tax deduction, but you'll need the receipts as proof.