Allergy Fighting Foods
Fighting allergies actually begins with your diet. Eating the right kinds of foods dramatically improves and enhances your immune system and helps regulate it more effectively so it stays balanced and effective. Here is a short list of some common food types that helps your body fight off those annoying allergens!
The Right Fats:
Omega 3 fatty acids would include eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) and gamma-linoleic acid(GLA). For your information, allergies are inflammatory diseases. These two fatty acids are beneficial to your allergy condition because of their anti inflammatory properties. By suppressing the production of inflammatory chemicals such as histamines and prostaglandins, eating foods that contain these three fatty acids will directly improve your allergies, in the most dramatic way.
Colored Fruits and Vegetables:
People with allergies should really eat more fruits and vegetables. Colored fruits and vegetables indicate that they contain antioxidants. In addition to antioxidant properties fruits and vegetables have, they also contain anti-inflammatory substances. So by eating fruits and vegetables, your immune system will be restored and balanced.
Eating lots of yogurt is one of the best ways to improve your allergy condition by changing your diet. But this method is only suitable for those people without milk or dairy allergies. Researchers in University of California found out that by eating more yogurt, patients were able to reduce their allergic symptoms by 90%! The active cultures and beneficial bacterias in yogurt is not only good for your colon, it can also aid in skin allergies, especially childhood eczema.
Eat Foods Low in Sodium, Sugar, and Fat---Processed food is often loaded with high amounts of these ingredients. A diet that is built largely on these ingredients spells disaster for health. Countries whose diet is rich in legumes, vegetables, fruit, fish, and lean meat show a markedly lower incidence of asthma.
Insist On An Apple A Day--- The old adage has been proven to be more than just a catchy phrase. A study done by English researchers has shown that people who eat at least 5 apples each week experience healthier lung function than those who do not.
Drink Up---This is a natural and healthy way to continually flush the body of impurities and pollutants. There are many flavored waters available for variety, and adding a small amount of juice can also keep your water tasting interesting. Other fluids such as milk, juice, decaffeinated coffee and tea all count towards your daily requirements.
The Right Fats:
Omega 3 fatty acids would include eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) and gamma-linoleic acid(GLA). For your information, allergies are inflammatory diseases. These two fatty acids are beneficial to your allergy condition because of their anti inflammatory properties. By suppressing the production of inflammatory chemicals such as histamines and prostaglandins, eating foods that contain these three fatty acids will directly improve your allergies, in the most dramatic way.
Colored Fruits and Vegetables:
People with allergies should really eat more fruits and vegetables. Colored fruits and vegetables indicate that they contain antioxidants. In addition to antioxidant properties fruits and vegetables have, they also contain anti-inflammatory substances. So by eating fruits and vegetables, your immune system will be restored and balanced.
Eating lots of yogurt is one of the best ways to improve your allergy condition by changing your diet. But this method is only suitable for those people without milk or dairy allergies. Researchers in University of California found out that by eating more yogurt, patients were able to reduce their allergic symptoms by 90%! The active cultures and beneficial bacterias in yogurt is not only good for your colon, it can also aid in skin allergies, especially childhood eczema.
Eat Foods Low in Sodium, Sugar, and Fat---Processed food is often loaded with high amounts of these ingredients. A diet that is built largely on these ingredients spells disaster for health. Countries whose diet is rich in legumes, vegetables, fruit, fish, and lean meat show a markedly lower incidence of asthma.
Insist On An Apple A Day--- The old adage has been proven to be more than just a catchy phrase. A study done by English researchers has shown that people who eat at least 5 apples each week experience healthier lung function than those who do not.
Drink Up---This is a natural and healthy way to continually flush the body of impurities and pollutants. There are many flavored waters available for variety, and adding a small amount of juice can also keep your water tasting interesting. Other fluids such as milk, juice, decaffeinated coffee and tea all count towards your daily requirements.