Can My Thoughts Affect My Body pH? Yes is the Answer!
As you know, your mind controls everything.
All health (good or bad) starts with a thought.
Think about it this way: Thoughts turn into Feelings, Feelings turn into Actions, Actions turn into Results! When you break it down like this, doesn't it make perfect sense? Your thoughts determine every aspect of your life.
Negative emotions and stress cause acidity in the body.
The more extreme the emotion, the more acidic the environment; stress, anger, fear, hate, depression, blame, etc.
Even positive emotions at an extreme level can be out of balance and create a physiological effect on the body's pH balance.
I love the quote to the left "Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening!" So, be very conscious of what you say to yourself...
your thoughts are your truth, but are they really the truth? Have you ever been so upset that you gave yourself a stomach ache? This demonstrates the power of your thoughts and emotions.
To create an alkaline environment, you must learn to think consciously so you can recognize the triggers and indicators that cause the negativity.
Whether it's a person, a situation, your job, a relationship, etc.
; if you are present in your thinking, you can reverse the emotion by replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts are not enough...
there have to be positive feeling and actions to get the positive results you desire! Everyone is searching for that "positive feeling" right? Yes, but searching isn't enough.
A lot of people want to lose weight, too...
but if they eat fast food everyday & never move their body, their searching leads them back to the exact same spot...
overweight & miserable.
But, if you can learn to re-direct your mind (re-train it, essentially), a positive feeling will follow, which will lead you in a different direction...
a direction that will bring about a different result.
I say this all the time, but it is so true...
the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over & over, but expecting a different result! It's not going to happen.
You have to change the way you think to change anything else in your life! Then from the good feeling, you will have the ability to put action steps in motion, which will create a positive result.
This cycle can either be positive or negative & the beauty is this: you get to choose! Why? Because you are in control of ALL your thoughts! Want to help reduce acid in the body, change your thinking TODAY! What you think...
you Become! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
All health (good or bad) starts with a thought.
Think about it this way: Thoughts turn into Feelings, Feelings turn into Actions, Actions turn into Results! When you break it down like this, doesn't it make perfect sense? Your thoughts determine every aspect of your life.
Negative emotions and stress cause acidity in the body.
The more extreme the emotion, the more acidic the environment; stress, anger, fear, hate, depression, blame, etc.
Even positive emotions at an extreme level can be out of balance and create a physiological effect on the body's pH balance.
I love the quote to the left "Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening!" So, be very conscious of what you say to yourself...
your thoughts are your truth, but are they really the truth? Have you ever been so upset that you gave yourself a stomach ache? This demonstrates the power of your thoughts and emotions.
To create an alkaline environment, you must learn to think consciously so you can recognize the triggers and indicators that cause the negativity.
Whether it's a person, a situation, your job, a relationship, etc.
; if you are present in your thinking, you can reverse the emotion by replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts are not enough...
there have to be positive feeling and actions to get the positive results you desire! Everyone is searching for that "positive feeling" right? Yes, but searching isn't enough.
A lot of people want to lose weight, too...
but if they eat fast food everyday & never move their body, their searching leads them back to the exact same spot...
overweight & miserable.
But, if you can learn to re-direct your mind (re-train it, essentially), a positive feeling will follow, which will lead you in a different direction...
a direction that will bring about a different result.
I say this all the time, but it is so true...
the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over & over, but expecting a different result! It's not going to happen.
You have to change the way you think to change anything else in your life! Then from the good feeling, you will have the ability to put action steps in motion, which will create a positive result.
This cycle can either be positive or negative & the beauty is this: you get to choose! Why? Because you are in control of ALL your thoughts! Want to help reduce acid in the body, change your thinking TODAY! What you think...
you Become! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.