Planters Wart Treatment
Like other warts, they are caused by a strain of the human papilloma virus also known as HPV.
While to make sure that planter warts is what you have, you will find that they are fairly easy to recognize.
They occur most frequently at the heel of the foot or at the ball, and though you can often feel them as you walk, you will find that they are often flat enough that they are almost invisible to look at.
Unlike a wart that grows on the face, you will find that it constantly pressed inwards from pressure and that because of this, they can be covered in callus tissue.
Because of the nature of warts, you may find that they come or go over time.
As your immune system gets stronger or grows weaker, you will find that it frequently makes the wart disappear or sink down into the skin.
You will find that planter warts can be quite dark, and this is due to the fact that there has been a small blood vessel that has clogged inside it.
While these warts are possible to remove on your own, some experts recommend speaking to an expert because small growths on your foot could be other things, including a clogged sweat gland or a tumor.
When you are looking at a planters wart treatment, you will find that there are many different options in front of you.
First and foremost, if you are dedicated to getting rid of a planter wart, you will fin that you need to think about getting a hold of some salicylic acid.
You can get this acid over the counter at your local drug store, and you will find that through daily application of this acid that you can see the complete eradication of the wart.
The acid is used to soften the skin that the wart has grown on, and then an emery board or a pumice stone are used to remove dead skin.
This is an effective treatment, but you need to keep it up; it can take several weeks to a month to get warts removed in this fashion.
You will also find that you can head to your doctor's office to look for planters wart treatment.
Most doctors' offices will provide treatment for warts of any variety, and you will find that there are a number of different options that they can give you.
For instance, you will find that they can use cryotherapy to freeze the wart off, or they can even use electricity to burn it off! Having the wart removed surgically is another treatment though it can leave a scar.
If you suffer from planters warts, you will find that there are many different solutions that you can try.
Take some time and really consider what your options are going to be, and then find the treatment that you know is going to be right for you.