The Natural Cure For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Most treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome involve physical therapy machines like ultrasound and muscle stimulation that help reduce inflammation.
Stretches and exercises are also usually recommended.
These treatments can temporarily reduce the inflammation and pain but do nothing to eliminate what is causing the inflammation.
Sometimes, stretching the tight muscles and strengthening the opposing muscles will help take some pressure off the median nerve but the cause is still there.
If this is done long enough it will eventually create other tight muscles that compensate for the problem.
An illusion of being cured occurs but, as the condition worsens, the carpal tunnel syndrome usually returns.
Treating the problem this way requires ongoing stretching, exercise or treatment; but as the problem progresses, more time is required to treat the symptoms and eventually these methods stop working.
Some doctors prescribe pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and even anti-depressant drugs for carpal tunnel syndrome and numerous other problems.
These also just treat the symptoms while doing nothing to eliminate the cause.
Many of these drugs have negative side-effects and some (cortisone injections) may even weaken your tendons or ligaments leading to even worse problems.
These doctors are attempting to mask the problem until the body uses other muscles to compensate.
This sometimes works in mild cases, but as the problem progresses the body finally runs out of things to compensate with and the pain returns.
At this point, some doctors tell people to train for a new job that puts less stress on the wrists and to just live with the remaining pain.
Not a great option if you ask me.
 Surgery for CTS usually involves cutting the flexor retinaculum in half and allowing it to heal with scar tissue in the gap.
This makes the ligament longer, and the carpal tunnel larger so there is less pressure on the median nerve.
This may help for a while but, once again, as the problem progresses, the condition worsens until the pressure in the larger tunnel becomes high enough to cause the pain to return.
Every person I have met who had the surgery and continued with the same job had their problem return.
Most of those who quit doing the job that caused the muscle damage had relief.
In these cases, however, it will just be a matter of time before normal daily activities will cause the problem to progress into pain again.
As you can see, none of the typical treatments for CTS do anything to eliminate the cause.
The Natural Cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is difficult to treat if you do not understand the progression of this unique condition or how to eliminate the cause.
This is why conventional therapies rarely help much.
You now understand the cause and there is a way to eliminate the cause naturally.
 The way to eliminate it is to remove the fibrotic adhesions from the muscles which are causing the cts.
  Targeting the exact muscles which affect the carpal tunnel will allow the pressure on the median nerve to ease and the syndrome will dissipate as I have seen many times.
  No drugs, no injections - just natural relief at the heart of the problem.
  Then the chronic tendinitis-neuritis cycle and how to eliminate what I call the "cause of the cause", or what you may be doing that over-stresses your wrist and forearm muscles, must be assessed.
  If all done correctly, you will restore your damaged muscles back to their normal lengths, and your wrist and hand will then be essentially as good as new.
There will not be a need for expensive treatments or time-consuming activities to constantly treat your symptoms.
Proper instruction of exercise, stretching, and lifestyle choices will also prevent the condition from returning by taking the pressure off of the important weakened areas.
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