An Atmosphere of Worship

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If you are a husband you occasionally like to do something special for the bride that you love.
Perhaps a nice evening out, that would include dinner at a nice restaurant.
Not a fast food restaurant, or even one of those chain restaurants, but something fancy, expensive, intimate, quiet, with some nice music perhaps, and some great food, and romantic atmosphere.
For us that are in love it is all about atmosphere.
Everything has to be just right.
When God created man, He didn't just create him and put him in some void until he got around to create the things that man wanted or needed.
No, before He created man He made the earth, the seas and the heavens.
He made the grass, the trees, and every living thing.
He created and prepared the environment, and just the right atmosphere.
The Bible says that when He created man, He didn't just create man by simply speaking him into existence, as He had everything else that He created.
He created man by forming him from out of the dust of the earth, and in His own image.
Then the Bible tells us that He breathed the breath of life into him and he became a living soul.
The garden was well prepared for him, and God set him over it.
All of life was already created for him, and He set man in it.
Everything was perfect, a perfect environment, and a perfect atmosphere.
Now six-thousand years later He has brought us through to finally obtain the promise that He would not only be with us, but He would be in us.
All of us that have His Spirit are no longer of this world, but we are His Bride.
When we gather together we become the complete local expression of His Body, the Church.
If you ask anyone why they attend Church Services or assemble themselves together or "go to Church" as some might say, you may get different answers.
Some may say "it's just something we do", or "I enjoy the fellowship".
Perhaps one might say "I really enjoy the music", or "I always feel better after going".
Some may say that they "like to hear the preaching of God's Word" or "I like to learn more about the Word of God".
All of these things are good, but the primary reason that we should be gathering together is to Worship God, together as His Church, His Body, His Bride.
So how should we go about that? Would we not want to create the right atmosphere? Would we not want to create the right environment that would make God want to enter into it with His presence? The Word of God says that He inhabits the praises of His people.
But I'm not talking about just the appearance of worship, the praise that looks good to us, but the heart is somewhere else.
They're there with their hands raised, but they got leaving on their mind.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but God sees the heart.
We need to create an atmosphere of praise and worship, and begin not to just go through some ritual or motions, but express our love and adoration for Him with sincere praise and heartfelt worship.
When we do this we are creating an environment that God will inhabit with His presence.
Let's go back to creation just for a moment...
The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth, and every living thing.
But by what means did He create them? All through creation God spoke everything into existence.
Seven times before he formed man the book of Genesis says "and God said".
And God said: Let there be Light, and God said, and God said, and God said, and God said, and God said.
God is all about His Word! The Bible says in John 1:1 that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".
Then if we go down to verse 14 its says "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us".
Again, God is all about His Word! Now let me ask you, does the Bible not say that we are made in the image and the likeness of God, we are like Him! So if God, in whose likeness we are created, spoke an environment and an atmosphere into existence for us, how then should we create a proper atmosphere or environment for Him? We need to speak it into existence with what the book of Hebrews refers to as the fruit of our lips, and with our words of heartfelt worship and praise.
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