How to Do Interior Designing for a Living Room With a Fireplace
- 1). Classify the fireplace's aesthetic and decide if that is the theme you want the room to take. For example, large, floor-to-ceiling fireplaces of natural stone set the tone for a more rustic room. Sleek metal fireplaces with no mantle call for a more modern design. Curved, traditional marble fireplaces call for a more elegant and old-fashioned room. If you do not like the look of the fireplace, paint it or change the mantel.
- 2). Buy paint for the room. There are two options: Paint the walls a contrasting color to make the fireplace stand out, or paint the room the same color as the fireplace to open up the space. If the fireplace is already a bold color, such as red brick, stick with a contrasting neutral on the walls.
- 3). Arrange the furniture around the fireplace. Larger pieces, such as sofas, coffee tables and lounging chairs, should have an even distribution and some symmetry in the room. For example, place the sofa so that it faces the fireplace directly, then place one chair on each side to create a square space around the fireplace. This creates a cozy space that makes conversation and lounging easy.
- 4). Arrange accessories on the mantle. Candles, artwork or vases with flowers are all appropriate. For a formal look, create a symmetrical arrangement, with a candle on each side, for example. For something more casual or artistic, create asymmetry with several candles on one side and framed photos on the other.
- 5). Hang a large piece of artwork above the fireplace to emphasize the focus on that area.
- 6). Accessorize the furniture in colors that complement the wall and fireplace colors. Throw pillows and blankets can add a pop of color to a room, and you can easily change them with the seasons.