A Quick Guide to Looking After your Body?
As a result of the false perception that seeking help is a sign of weakness, men are often reluctant to take an active role in the care of their own body.
The big fear is that a symptom will turn out to be a life-threatening illness such as cancer, but most health problems are far less serious. In fact, most health problems are simply and easily treated, but they don't respond well to neglect. The longer they're left, the less treatable they become.
A little time spent completing a basic maintenance routine for your body everyday will go a long way towards caring for your health and well being in the long-term.
• It's especially important for uncircumcised men to retract the foreskin and wash around the head of the penis every day. The skin is also susceptible to heat and moisture, which can cause heat rash or a fungal infection. Treat it with respect, soap and water, clean underwear, and over-the-counter remedies when needed. Talcum powder before a sweaty workout can help prevent the dreaded jock itch.
• Once a month after taking a warm bath or shower to relax the scrotum, you should gently roll each testicle between your fingers. It should be smooth and oval shaped, feeling kind of like a hard-boiled egg with out the shell. Compress it gently, searching for any hard areas or lumps that don't feel like the surrounding tissue.
• Once you reach forty years old, have your prostate checked annually. This gland surrounds the urethra like a doughnut and, if left to enlarge, can reduce an older man's urine stream to a dribble. Prostate cancer is also a concern. Both of these problems can be avoided if detected early. A complete yearly inspection should include three things: A digital rectal exam A blood test for prostate-specific antigens (psa), an early warning sign of trouble. An ultrasound scan to create a visible image of the tissue.
• Periodic erections will occur whilst you're asleep, as will an occasional emission. Do not be alarmed, this does not mean you have an erection problem. Your privates are simply flushing themselves with fresh blood and oxygen to stay in optimum working condition. If you have a reasonable doubt this is happening, do the following test: Wrap some postage stamps from a roll firmly around the base of your penis and tape the ends together. The next morning, if the stamps are torn along the perforation, you've had an erection.
• Do daily kegel exercises: tense the muscles you use to stop peeing. Tense up, hold until the count of ten and release. Do that nine more times, and do three sets each day.
• Sex is the best exercise for your privates. Regularly flushing the system with nourishing blood and oxygen assures optimum sperm production, prostate health and overall good performance. When intercourse is not possible, consider manual stimulation.
• After urinating, apply gentle upward pressure under the base of the penis. This will usually squeeze out any remaining drops and prevent any embarrassing stains on the upholstery.
• The skin of the penis and testicles is remarkably resilient. For chafing and small cuts that cause minimal bleeding, just wash with soap and water and apply an antiseptic ointment.
• Wearing polyester underwear may contribute to impotence because of the static electricity generated by man made materials. Loose 100% cotton shorts are recommended.
This information has been brought to you by Firstmed.co.uk, the UK's leading online pharmacy supplying medication to help men with erectile dysfunction problems.
If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact info@firstmed.co.uk or call +44 (0)870 199 5287
The big fear is that a symptom will turn out to be a life-threatening illness such as cancer, but most health problems are far less serious. In fact, most health problems are simply and easily treated, but they don't respond well to neglect. The longer they're left, the less treatable they become.
A little time spent completing a basic maintenance routine for your body everyday will go a long way towards caring for your health and well being in the long-term.
• It's especially important for uncircumcised men to retract the foreskin and wash around the head of the penis every day. The skin is also susceptible to heat and moisture, which can cause heat rash or a fungal infection. Treat it with respect, soap and water, clean underwear, and over-the-counter remedies when needed. Talcum powder before a sweaty workout can help prevent the dreaded jock itch.
• Once a month after taking a warm bath or shower to relax the scrotum, you should gently roll each testicle between your fingers. It should be smooth and oval shaped, feeling kind of like a hard-boiled egg with out the shell. Compress it gently, searching for any hard areas or lumps that don't feel like the surrounding tissue.
• Once you reach forty years old, have your prostate checked annually. This gland surrounds the urethra like a doughnut and, if left to enlarge, can reduce an older man's urine stream to a dribble. Prostate cancer is also a concern. Both of these problems can be avoided if detected early. A complete yearly inspection should include three things: A digital rectal exam A blood test for prostate-specific antigens (psa), an early warning sign of trouble. An ultrasound scan to create a visible image of the tissue.
• Periodic erections will occur whilst you're asleep, as will an occasional emission. Do not be alarmed, this does not mean you have an erection problem. Your privates are simply flushing themselves with fresh blood and oxygen to stay in optimum working condition. If you have a reasonable doubt this is happening, do the following test: Wrap some postage stamps from a roll firmly around the base of your penis and tape the ends together. The next morning, if the stamps are torn along the perforation, you've had an erection.
• Do daily kegel exercises: tense the muscles you use to stop peeing. Tense up, hold until the count of ten and release. Do that nine more times, and do three sets each day.
• Sex is the best exercise for your privates. Regularly flushing the system with nourishing blood and oxygen assures optimum sperm production, prostate health and overall good performance. When intercourse is not possible, consider manual stimulation.
• After urinating, apply gentle upward pressure under the base of the penis. This will usually squeeze out any remaining drops and prevent any embarrassing stains on the upholstery.
• The skin of the penis and testicles is remarkably resilient. For chafing and small cuts that cause minimal bleeding, just wash with soap and water and apply an antiseptic ointment.
• Wearing polyester underwear may contribute to impotence because of the static electricity generated by man made materials. Loose 100% cotton shorts are recommended.
This information has been brought to you by Firstmed.co.uk, the UK's leading online pharmacy supplying medication to help men with erectile dysfunction problems.
If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact info@firstmed.co.uk or call +44 (0)870 199 5287