Propolis Natural Anti-Cancer Remedies
- Propolis, or "bee glue," seeps from the bark of conifers and other trees, according to Draper's Super Bee Aviaries. Bees transport the propolis back to their hive, mixing it with wax to prepare the hive interior for the egg laying process. The antiseptic ingredients in the propolis help to secure a germ-free environment for the young bees.
- Propolis contains powerful anti-cancer compounds. One of these, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), seems to possess the ability to wipe out tumors. According to Natural News, CAPE repressed the growth of neurofibromatosis tumors in a German laboratory. Brazilian researchers have found that propolis kills laryngeal cancer cells.
- In addition to its ability to destroy cancer cells outright, propolis also seems to possess the ability to interfere with the processes that support tumor growth. National News quoted a study from Molecular Nutrition and Food Research showing that CAPE and other compounds found in propolis interfered with the development of tumors' blood supplies. The American Health Foundation conducted another study showing that the caffeic acid in propolis blocked the development of cancer in rats exposed to carcinogens.
- According to, a stronger immune system can do a better job of warding off cancers. Propolis seems to give the immune system a powerful boost. A double-blind study in Poland found that propolis helped to increase mental and physical performance, rebuild injured or infected tissues and support stomach and intestinal health, according to Natural News. It also has antiviral properties, which implies that it might protect against some cancers caused by viruses.
- Dr. Weil states that beekeepers sell the raw form of propolis, while health food establishments sell it in several different forms. While he recommends propolis extracts to treat minor sores and wounds, he maintains that the data on its status as a wonder drug for major illnesses remains inconclusive. Dr. Weil also warns that people allergic to bees or honey may also have a bad reaction to propolis.
Fighting Cancer
Preventing Cancer
Immune System Qualities
Availability and Cautions