How To Avoid Molluscum Contagiosum
If you have molluscum, you will see small white, pink, or flesh-colored raised bumps or growths with a pit or dimple in the center. The bumps are usually smooth and firm. They can be as small as the head of a pin and as large as a pencil eraser. The growths are usually painless but may become itchy, sore, red or swollen.
They may occur anywhere on the body including the face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, and genital area, alone or in groups. The bumps are rarely found on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. Only a health care provider can diagnose molluscum infection. If you have any unusual skin irritation, rash, bumps, or blisters that do not disappear in a few days, you should see a health care provider.
The best way to avoid getting molluscum is by following good hygiene habits. What is the correct way to wash your hands? First wet your hands and apply soap. Next rub your hands vigorously together and scrub all surfaces. Continue for 10-15 seconds. Soap combined with scrubbing action helps dislodge and remove germs. Rinse well and dry your hands.
Some investigations report that spread of molluscum contagiosum is increased in swimming pools. However, it has not been proved how or under what circumstances swimming pools might increase spread of the virus. Activities related to swimming might be the cause. For example, the virus might spread from one person to another if they share a towel or toys.
More research is needed to understand if and for how long the molluscum virus can live in swimming pool water and if such water can infect swimmers. Open sores and breaks in the skin can become infected by many different germs. Therefore, people with open sores or breaks from any cause should not go into swimming pools.
If a person has molluscum bumps, the following recommendations should be followed when swimming: cover all visible bumps with watertight bandages, dispose of all used bandages at home, do not share towels, kick boards or other equipment, or toys, and so on. That's what you need to know about swimming pools and molluscum.
It is not a good idea to try to remove the molluscum growths or to get rid of the fluid inside them yourself. Be aware that some treatments are not effective and may even be harmful! There are three important reasons not to treat the bumps without seeing a doctor first. The treatment may be painful. You might spread the bumps to another part of your body or to another person.
By scratching and scraping the skin you might cause a more serious bacterial infection. If you want to have the growths removed or treated, talk to a health care provider. Molluscum bumps usually will disappear without treatment in 6 to 12 months and not leave scars, but it may not go away completely for up to 4 years.
Many, but not all, cases of molluscum in adults are caused by sexual contact. Treatment for molluscum is usually recommended if the growths are in the genital area. If bumps are found in the genital area, it is a good idea to discuss with a health care provider the possibility that you might have another disease that is spread by sexual contact.
AntiMolluscum-Rx is composed of naturally occurring high intensity antiviral extracts which have a lethal effect against the virus upon exposure. Application of this molluscum contagiosum treatment provides maximum and rapid penetration of antiviral agents into cell membranes without damaging healthy skin tissue.
As a result, this treatment for molluscum enjoys a well earned reputation for its curative effects. AntiMolluscum-Rx is the most effective among the organic molluscum treatments today as it has very strong and real antiviral properties that destroy the virus. The antiviral pharmacological activity of this molluscum treatment is well documented.
The ability of AntiMolluscum-Rx to eradicate molluscum contagiosum is not necessarily just a result of its antiviral nature, but also stems from its remarkable ability to penetrate into cell membranes do to its lipophilic character. The lipophilic tendency of the treatment allows it to penetrate into cell membranes to dissolve the lipo protein hull of the virus, thus destroying it.
Nothing delivers such power, strength, and effectiveness as AntiMolluscum-Rx to eliminate molluscum. And at such quantity, one drop per application is all that is needed. It has the ability to dissolve molluscum because it contains protein dissolving enzymes. To learn more, please go to
They may occur anywhere on the body including the face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, and genital area, alone or in groups. The bumps are rarely found on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. Only a health care provider can diagnose molluscum infection. If you have any unusual skin irritation, rash, bumps, or blisters that do not disappear in a few days, you should see a health care provider.
The best way to avoid getting molluscum is by following good hygiene habits. What is the correct way to wash your hands? First wet your hands and apply soap. Next rub your hands vigorously together and scrub all surfaces. Continue for 10-15 seconds. Soap combined with scrubbing action helps dislodge and remove germs. Rinse well and dry your hands.
Some investigations report that spread of molluscum contagiosum is increased in swimming pools. However, it has not been proved how or under what circumstances swimming pools might increase spread of the virus. Activities related to swimming might be the cause. For example, the virus might spread from one person to another if they share a towel or toys.
More research is needed to understand if and for how long the molluscum virus can live in swimming pool water and if such water can infect swimmers. Open sores and breaks in the skin can become infected by many different germs. Therefore, people with open sores or breaks from any cause should not go into swimming pools.
If a person has molluscum bumps, the following recommendations should be followed when swimming: cover all visible bumps with watertight bandages, dispose of all used bandages at home, do not share towels, kick boards or other equipment, or toys, and so on. That's what you need to know about swimming pools and molluscum.
It is not a good idea to try to remove the molluscum growths or to get rid of the fluid inside them yourself. Be aware that some treatments are not effective and may even be harmful! There are three important reasons not to treat the bumps without seeing a doctor first. The treatment may be painful. You might spread the bumps to another part of your body or to another person.
By scratching and scraping the skin you might cause a more serious bacterial infection. If you want to have the growths removed or treated, talk to a health care provider. Molluscum bumps usually will disappear without treatment in 6 to 12 months and not leave scars, but it may not go away completely for up to 4 years.
Many, but not all, cases of molluscum in adults are caused by sexual contact. Treatment for molluscum is usually recommended if the growths are in the genital area. If bumps are found in the genital area, it is a good idea to discuss with a health care provider the possibility that you might have another disease that is spread by sexual contact.
AntiMolluscum-Rx is composed of naturally occurring high intensity antiviral extracts which have a lethal effect against the virus upon exposure. Application of this molluscum contagiosum treatment provides maximum and rapid penetration of antiviral agents into cell membranes without damaging healthy skin tissue.
As a result, this treatment for molluscum enjoys a well earned reputation for its curative effects. AntiMolluscum-Rx is the most effective among the organic molluscum treatments today as it has very strong and real antiviral properties that destroy the virus. The antiviral pharmacological activity of this molluscum treatment is well documented.
The ability of AntiMolluscum-Rx to eradicate molluscum contagiosum is not necessarily just a result of its antiviral nature, but also stems from its remarkable ability to penetrate into cell membranes do to its lipophilic character. The lipophilic tendency of the treatment allows it to penetrate into cell membranes to dissolve the lipo protein hull of the virus, thus destroying it.
Nothing delivers such power, strength, and effectiveness as AntiMolluscum-Rx to eliminate molluscum. And at such quantity, one drop per application is all that is needed. It has the ability to dissolve molluscum because it contains protein dissolving enzymes. To learn more, please go to