How Do You Measure Weight Loss & Fitness Success?

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Ah yes. This is such a hard topic for so many. We're all programmed for instant gratification. Our whole world works that way. Fast times. Fast food. Fast everything. When was the last time you stopped and smelled the roses? But, I digress...

When it comes to weight loss and fitness, I swear expectations are even worse. Everyone wants results yesterday. And, shows like The Biggest Loser really don't make it any easier. Viewers see that kind of weight loss and get upset when they can't do the same - understandably.

Let's get a some things straight about real weight loss expectations, and then we'll get into how we should measure success.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine , which is considered to be the gold standard for so many things fitness, weight loss of 1 - 2 pounds per week is a safe and effective goal. Another guideline is 1 - 3% body fat reduction per month.

(By the way, Biggest Loser contestants can see those kinds of results because they're coming from extremely sedentary lifestyles and they're extremely obese. Plus they workout 6 hours a day!! They can do that because THAT'S ALL THEY DO, AND they have daily rehab to provide the recovery they need.)

Now, let me completely blow the weight loss standards to hell.

First, imagine I have 30 pounds of fat on my body, and I set my caloric intake vs. caloric outtake to give me a 2-pound weight loss per week. Well, in theory I'd be fat free in 15 weeks, right?

WRONG!! If that "formula" actually worked I'd also be dead in 15 weeks because a human being can't survive with NO fat on their body!

Of course, the body has built-in systems that will prevent this. When you go on crash diets and over exercise, you body will lower your metabolism and at the same time "trick you" into eating more.

So, what kind of results can a person expect when following a solid exercise and nutrition program?

Well, you're not going to like this - EVERYONE RESPONDS DIFFERENTLY.

I've had many boot camp members drop a dress size in their first two weeks. I've had other boot campers take 2 months to do the same. And, yes, some others take much longer. I've got one rock star boot camp member who hardly saw any weight loss for a good six months. She got incredibly strong and super-fit. She got rid of all her knee pain and just felt fantastic. Then over the course of about a month she dropped MULTIPLE dress sizes and now looks absolutely amazing!!

So, how the hell do you measure success then?

For this, I'm going to defer to one of the success masters - Earl Nightingale.

After several years of intensive research Earl Nightingale developed the following definition of success:

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."

It truly is a marvelous definition of success and it can be applied in every area of your life.

As for weight loss & fitness, let me ask you this:

Are you doing something each day to get just a little bit healthier and more fit?
Are you working CONSISTENTLY to lose weight and get stronger?
Are you giving your best effort with your exercise and nutrition plan?


Are you just going through the motions each day hoping to get healthier and more fit?
Are you missing workouts and meals for than 10% of the time?
Are you giving a half-assed effort with your exercise and nutrition plan?


So, if you answered yes to those first three questions then you're successful and the results you seek will come. It really is that simple. You just have to stick with it and keep those answers as a solid YES.

Let me use myself as a final example to further illustrate my point.

My genetics are not the greatest. I very easily get fat if I'm not consistent with my exercise and nutrition plan. That's just the way it is. That being said, I can maintain a pretty healthy and fit body if I exercise 4 - 5 times per week and eat healthy most of the time. However, if I want to get in really great shape then I MUST EXERCISE CONSISTENTLY 6 - 7 DAYS PER WEEK AND EAT HEALTHY ALL OF THE TIME. That's just the way it is for me. I don't bother complaining. I just make a choice.

Recently, I decided that I wanted to take things to the next level so I've committed myself to a 7 day per week exercise routine, and a super-tight nutrition plan. In the past 9 weeks I've lost 11 pounds of fat. And, I feel fantastic!!

I'm not telling you that to show off. I just want to make a point. If you were to take a look at my calendar you'd notice that everyday but one (5/7) is highlighted. That's the only day I didn't workout the entire month!! I missed it because I woke up late the day I was flying home from a trip, and I just slacked when I got home. My nutrition was pretty stellar with the exception of a couple planned "treat meals."

Again, not showing off; just making a point. If I want great results then I have to follow a great programming. I was not blessed with do nothing - look great results. Thanks mom & dad. ;-b

So, I ask you, are you progressively realizing a worthy ideal? Are you taking daily steps to achieve your goal?

Remember, wishing for a thing will never bring the thing.

Have Faith & Take Action,
Justin Yule, BS, CPT, YFS
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