Beware Loosing Height With Age Osteoporosis Is the Main Cause of This Problem
If you find that you lose inches tall as birthday, the cause may be micro-fractures of the vertebral bones, which are due to softening of the bones. Know how to prevent and treat them to prevent disabling injuries.
The vertebral bone deterioration often happens unnoticed because it happens very slowly and usually do not cause symptoms. Also, when they are attributed to age, to a fall or a bad move, when in fact they are due to the bones, with age, they lose bone mass, so brittle and fragile.
Osteoporosis (reduced bone mass and strength) is the main cause of this problem, and are older women hardest hit, as with menopause ceases production of hormones (estrogen) that protect against loss of minerals in the bones before that stage. The numbers do not lie: men are four times lower risk of bone loss.
Remember that, like any tissue, bones are generated and regenerated all the time, as well as being the structural support of the body are also a source of minerals involved in various processes. Osteoporosis occurs when the calcium lost in the skeletal system is not restored to the required speed, so it weakens and increases the chance of injury. It is estimated that 1 in 2 women over age 60 suffer from this problem and that 1 in 4 have a vertebral fracture and can not know.
Vertebral fractures usually occur approximately at 65 years, and often appear after minimal exertion, such as lifting a heavy object or coughing or sneezing forcefully, causing intense pain in the corresponding region of the spine, with limitation of movement, although sometimes the vertebrae are sinking slowly and may not be pain.
Repeated vertebral micro-fractures results in loss of height and a characteristic deformity of the back, with the appearance of a hump (kyphosis) more or less noticeable. This change causes a lot of back pain in women even before menopause, but in most cases the problem is detected by radiographs when already lost 20-25% of bone mass.
Reduce risks with new customs
Through studies have found that there are groups of people that individual factors have increased risk for weak bones
* Women with osteoporosis and four times more often than men.
* Elderly people, since the loss of bone mass increases with age.
* Caucasians, genetic predisposition.
* People of slight build and low muscle mass.
Furthermore, various medical observations have concluded that the bone mass of a person from the source increases to a maximum value, called "peak bone mass", which is between 30 and 35 years; to Thereafter the bones begin to live in the amounts of calcium available to them, so the best treatment of vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis is prevention.
While individual factors cited above are not modifiable (age, race and sex), can be taken a number of measures to change harmful lifestyles at an early age, possibly since childhood:
* Maintain a balanced diet. Not only must ensure adequate intake of calcium, but also vitamin D, since this substance helps the intestinal absorption and fixation in the bones of that mineral. Therefore, it is recommended to consume milk and dairy products (yogurt, cheese, butter, and cream), liver, eggs, fish liver oil, sardines, salmon, tuna, and yeast. At older ages can use supplements that help reduce the risk of fractures?
* Remove harmful habits. It has been observed that smoking, alcohol, coffee and colas significantly decrease the amount of bone mineral, which is due to substances such as caffeine and nicotine require calcium and magnesium to be neutralized by the body and then be discarded the urine.
* Sport and movement. Maintained and progressive exercise improves bone strength and reduces muscle degeneration. No need for athletic prowess, so you can make simple activities like dancing, hiking, swimming and practicing soft martial disciplines.
* Take the Sun Exposure for 30 minutes a day helps the skin generated the amount of vitamin D needed to allow the intestinal absorption of calcium.
* Remove obstacles. This measure is especially useful for people seniors prevent falls or trauma fractures. It will be necessary to avoid having home rugs, slippery surfaces, poor lighting and appliance cords and toys on the floor. Will also need to use the old skid soled shoes and, if necessary, cane or walker.
In addition to the measures already mentioned, it is essential to visit the geriatrician (who care problems of the elderly) or gynecologist (a specialist in diseases of women) will carry out specialized studies and get an accurate diagnosis of the case, in this way, may advise what physical activity you should develop, make a diet plan and even recommend the use of drugs.
This is because some women lose minerals faster, so it is advised to use estrogen, hormonal compounds that are to be used during the first 5 or 10 years after the last menstrual period, avoid the sharp deterioration of the bones.
Meanwhile, when existing micro-fractures in the vertebrae is used in a manner that includes complete bed rest, the use of drugs to relieve pain (if any), relaxation of the muscles of the back and the application of heat local.
Sometimes it may be necessary to use a brace to immobilize the fracture site, but only during the acute period of maximum pain. After rehabilitation exercises are recommended to increase muscular endurance for at least six weeks.
Finally, it only remains to emphasize that prevention is essential to meet these conditions, and they get to register loss of height over time should immediately call in a specialist to evaluate the case. Better to anticipate problems and prevent major difficulties, do not you think?
The vertebral bone deterioration often happens unnoticed because it happens very slowly and usually do not cause symptoms. Also, when they are attributed to age, to a fall or a bad move, when in fact they are due to the bones, with age, they lose bone mass, so brittle and fragile.
Osteoporosis (reduced bone mass and strength) is the main cause of this problem, and are older women hardest hit, as with menopause ceases production of hormones (estrogen) that protect against loss of minerals in the bones before that stage. The numbers do not lie: men are four times lower risk of bone loss.
Remember that, like any tissue, bones are generated and regenerated all the time, as well as being the structural support of the body are also a source of minerals involved in various processes. Osteoporosis occurs when the calcium lost in the skeletal system is not restored to the required speed, so it weakens and increases the chance of injury. It is estimated that 1 in 2 women over age 60 suffer from this problem and that 1 in 4 have a vertebral fracture and can not know.
Vertebral fractures usually occur approximately at 65 years, and often appear after minimal exertion, such as lifting a heavy object or coughing or sneezing forcefully, causing intense pain in the corresponding region of the spine, with limitation of movement, although sometimes the vertebrae are sinking slowly and may not be pain.
Repeated vertebral micro-fractures results in loss of height and a characteristic deformity of the back, with the appearance of a hump (kyphosis) more or less noticeable. This change causes a lot of back pain in women even before menopause, but in most cases the problem is detected by radiographs when already lost 20-25% of bone mass.
Reduce risks with new customs
Through studies have found that there are groups of people that individual factors have increased risk for weak bones
* Women with osteoporosis and four times more often than men.
* Elderly people, since the loss of bone mass increases with age.
* Caucasians, genetic predisposition.
* People of slight build and low muscle mass.
Furthermore, various medical observations have concluded that the bone mass of a person from the source increases to a maximum value, called "peak bone mass", which is between 30 and 35 years; to Thereafter the bones begin to live in the amounts of calcium available to them, so the best treatment of vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis is prevention.
While individual factors cited above are not modifiable (age, race and sex), can be taken a number of measures to change harmful lifestyles at an early age, possibly since childhood:
* Maintain a balanced diet. Not only must ensure adequate intake of calcium, but also vitamin D, since this substance helps the intestinal absorption and fixation in the bones of that mineral. Therefore, it is recommended to consume milk and dairy products (yogurt, cheese, butter, and cream), liver, eggs, fish liver oil, sardines, salmon, tuna, and yeast. At older ages can use supplements that help reduce the risk of fractures?
* Remove harmful habits. It has been observed that smoking, alcohol, coffee and colas significantly decrease the amount of bone mineral, which is due to substances such as caffeine and nicotine require calcium and magnesium to be neutralized by the body and then be discarded the urine.
* Sport and movement. Maintained and progressive exercise improves bone strength and reduces muscle degeneration. No need for athletic prowess, so you can make simple activities like dancing, hiking, swimming and practicing soft martial disciplines.
* Take the Sun Exposure for 30 minutes a day helps the skin generated the amount of vitamin D needed to allow the intestinal absorption of calcium.
* Remove obstacles. This measure is especially useful for people seniors prevent falls or trauma fractures. It will be necessary to avoid having home rugs, slippery surfaces, poor lighting and appliance cords and toys on the floor. Will also need to use the old skid soled shoes and, if necessary, cane or walker.
In addition to the measures already mentioned, it is essential to visit the geriatrician (who care problems of the elderly) or gynecologist (a specialist in diseases of women) will carry out specialized studies and get an accurate diagnosis of the case, in this way, may advise what physical activity you should develop, make a diet plan and even recommend the use of drugs.
This is because some women lose minerals faster, so it is advised to use estrogen, hormonal compounds that are to be used during the first 5 or 10 years after the last menstrual period, avoid the sharp deterioration of the bones.
Meanwhile, when existing micro-fractures in the vertebrae is used in a manner that includes complete bed rest, the use of drugs to relieve pain (if any), relaxation of the muscles of the back and the application of heat local.
Sometimes it may be necessary to use a brace to immobilize the fracture site, but only during the acute period of maximum pain. After rehabilitation exercises are recommended to increase muscular endurance for at least six weeks.
Finally, it only remains to emphasize that prevention is essential to meet these conditions, and they get to register loss of height over time should immediately call in a specialist to evaluate the case. Better to anticipate problems and prevent major difficulties, do not you think?