Things I"ve Learned About Church Fundraising
Conventional wisdom among church leaders regards church fundraising efforts with suspicion.
I used to share this perspective until someone opened my eyes to the notion of "fundraising as ministry.
" The church leader who approaches fundraising as ministry can help increase member giving-that is, financial stewardship to support the church's annual budget.
Here is what I have learned during my quest to encourage faithful fundraising.
Clergy need encouragement to talk about money.
For too long, the subject of money has been a taboo for the parish pastor.
Help your minister understand the importance of talking about money.
Give your pastor a good book like Creating A Climate For Giving by Don Joiner.
Help your church leaders learn about funding strategies for ministry that go beyond the offering plate.
Get professional help.
The fundraising strategies that need to be at the top of the list are: Capital Campaigns and Planned Giving for Endowment Development.
Admittedly, these strategies present an initial challenge.
There is a learning curve for your leadership and your governing board may worry about the cost of hiring professional fundraisers.
However, your investment in a professional not only can help you meet significant fundraising goals, but provide a mentor for your church leaders.
Don't overlook resources close at hand: your local community foundation, the planned giving officer employed by your national church foundation, and nonprofit organizations that have completed successful capital campaigns.
Face the facts.
Wake up to reality.
For years, experts like Robert Wuthnow (The Crisis in the Church: Spiritual Malaise and Fiscal Woe), John and Sylvia Ronsvale (Behind the Stained Glass Windows) and Loren Mead (Financial Meltdown in the Mainline?) have urged church leaders to read the sign of the times in which we live.
The world has changed.
The 1950s and 1960s were a long time ago.
The churches that thrive will be the churches that get creative.
The offering plate and the occasional fundraising event (like spaghetti dinners, car washes and rummage sales) are seldom enough for churches during these times of recession and shrinking church attendance.
Churches need to emphasize discipleship.
One of the best ways to grow disciples is to focus on creative fundraising solutions to your church's financial woes.
Church members are looking for leadership.
To develop resources for the local church through fundraising efforts takes commitment by leaders in the local church.
Fuel this commitment with a genuine passion for your mission.
When church leaders care so much about their mission as a church that they are willing to step out of their comfort zone, others notice.
The willingness on the part of church leaders to risk new approaches to fund ministry will send a message to the rank and file in the church: What we are doing is important, and we need to dig deeper and work harder to support this grand cause.
When leaders lead, others gladly follow.
"If I only knew then what I know now.
" Someone once pointed out that, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the next best time is now.
" No doubt, it would have been better to learn about resource development for church finances years ago, but the next best time is right now.
First, focus on stewardship.
Then, strengthen stewardship by approaching fundraising as ministry.
The sooner everyone gets comfortable talking about money and raising money for the mission of your local church, the better prepared you will be to fulfill that mission.