January 24
Updated October 21, 2014.
Peggy C. Says:
If you're panicking about a situation remember: everything changes. Chances are in another minute, or an hour, or a day you'll feel differently. Ask for God's inspiration in that moment - send him forth into your day or situation and you will be protected.
The most important thing I've learned this year is that 98 percent of my fears never come true. Relax and wear the world as a loose garment...
as a sober, clean individual!
Note: The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some will are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!
Peggy C. Says:
If you're panicking about a situation remember: everything changes. Chances are in another minute, or an hour, or a day you'll feel differently. Ask for God's inspiration in that moment - send him forth into your day or situation and you will be protected.
The most important thing I've learned this year is that 98 percent of my fears never come true. Relax and wear the world as a loose garment...
as a sober, clean individual!
Note: The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some will are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!