What Is Pre-Diabetes and Various Conditions
Majority of people suffering with €Type-2 Diabetes€ must go through the €Pre-diabetes€ stage. These people suffer with blood glucose levels higher than normal, but it is not that high enough to merit diabetic symptoms to be diagnosed so easily. The cells in the body slowly start becoming resistant to insulin.
Reports state that even at the pre-diabetes stage, some damage to consistently occur to the circulatory system and the heart.
Metabolism a regular Disorder and cause for Diabetes.
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is referred to as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism is known to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Maximum of what we eat through mouth is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar (energy) in the blood - it is the principal source of energy for our bodies.
During the time food is digested, the glucose (sugar) makes its way into our bloodstream. Our body cells use the glucose for energy and growth and during all the activities, which a body performs in all activities. However, this glucose is not permitted to enter our body cells without insulin being present - insulin secreted from the pancreas makes it possible for our cells to take the glucose inside the cell body.
Secretion from Pancreases known to as €Insulin€ is a hormone that helps the Sugar to get dissolved in the Cell body. After eating anything as our food, the pancreas automatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move transfer the glucose present in our blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the body cells blood-glucose levels drop.
A person suffering from diabetes has a condition in which the levels (quantity) of glucose in the blood are too elevated (hyperglycemia). This happens only because the body either does not produce enough insulin or produces no insulin, or has the body cells that do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This results in exaggeration of glucose building up in the blood. This blood glucose exaggerated eventually passes out of the body through urine, although the blood has plenty of glucose, still the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and growth requirements.
How to check Pre-Diabetic conditions?
A specialist or a doctor can determine whether a patient has a normal metabolism or not, or whether the person is suffering from pre-diabetes or diabetes in one of three different ways -
There are three possible tests available to check the conditions:
€ A1C test
- If the test reveals 6.5% it means diabetes
- Between 5.7% and 5.99% confirms pre-diabetes
- Less than 5.7% is normal
€ FPG (fasting plasma glucose) test
- 126 mg/dl confirms diabetes
- Between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl confirms pre-diabetes
- Less than 100 mg/dl means normal.
€ In case of abnormal readings during the FPG tests, means the patient has impaired fasting glucose (IFG)
€ OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
- 200 mg/dl confirms diabetes
- Between 140 and 199.9 mg/dl is pre-diabetes
- Less than 140 mg/dl is normal.
In case of the abnormal reading following the OGTT tests means the patient has impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
Why Is the Disease known as €Diabetes Mellitus€?
Diabetes is a Greek words meaning, "siphon". Artes the Cappadocian, a Greek physician in the times during the second century A.D, called the condition diabainein. Artes described patients who were going through Polyuria passing too much water - was like a siphon. The word was later described as "diabetes" in the English context of the disease.
Later in 1675, €Thomas Willis€ added a new synonym €Mellitus€ to the present term, Mel in Latin means "honey"; the urine and blood of people with diabetes has excess glucose, and glucose tastes sweet similar to honey, although it is commonly referred to as diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus which could further mean, "siphoning off€ sweet water".
In ancient China people observed that ants where attracted to some people's urine, because of its sweet nature with huge Glucose present in it. Thus it was termed as "Sweet Urine Disease"
Diabetes Control -
All the three types of Diabetes Mellitus are treatable.
Diabetes Type-1 lasts over a lifetime, there is surely no known cure till date.
Diabetes Type-2 again lasts for a lifetime, however, some people have managed to control it through a lot of exercise, diet and excellent body weight control to get rid of their symptoms without too much of medication.
Researchers from the €Mayo Clinic Arizona€ in Scottsdale showed that gastric by-pass surgery can reverse Type-2 Diabetes in a high proportion of patients suffering from Diabetes. They further added that within three to five years the disease may or may not recurs and confirm only in approximately 21% of them.
Diabetic Patients suffering with Type-1 are treated with regular insulin injections, as well as a €special diet€ and regular exercise.
Diabetic Patients with Type-2 diabetes are usually treated with oral tablets, regular exercise and surely a special diet, but in some patients insulin in the form of injections may also be required.
If all the diabetic conditions are not adequately controlled the patient significantly have higher risk of developing complications.
Solomon Bio Pharma and Research
Solomon Bio Pharma and Research with a series of Diabetic products are exploring new avenues for the patients suffering from any type of Diabetes. Mr. Rajendra Trakru (CEO) in Solomon Group personally has taken the initiative to provide a new range of Products to care, control, and even working with the companies in Israel, Taiwan, Czech Republic and Canada to find out some treatment for the disease.
Recently company has launched€Dia-B care€ Diabetic socks, a unique Diabetic Socks made from a special kind of Fiber with a Nano technology. The same fibers are induced with Nano polymers, which later emit FAR- Infra Red in low level Laser conditions. This sock's are highly effective and may be defined as functional socks.
€Dia-B Care€ Diabetes care sock's are highly effective in all the three types of Patients and special during the foot care conditions. They can stimulate and rejuenuvate the dead cells in the lower part of the body. It has the capability of even controlling Blood Sugar levels to some extent. These Dia-B Care Diabetic socks has the capability to emit FAR-Infra Red, which can be used by the normal people also, as it controls the Blood Pressure and other nervous numbness issues in the patients.
Solomon Bio Pharma and Research shall soon launch a series of new products in the Diabetes range.