5 Tips to Stop Procrastinating!
things off until a later date. Are there things you want to do, get done or accomplish? What is holding you back?
Here are 5 Tips to Stop Procrastinating in order to move you in the direction of getting your daily goals accomplished. (You can implement them next week, or perhaps tomorrow ... or better yet, how about NOW!)
- Plan the Night Before. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. Write down what your most important tasks are for tomorrow. Include the sentence, "I will accomplish xyz tomorrow, no matter what." A plan of action, prepared the night before will help you to focus on productive action.
- Work with a Clean Desk. When there is a lot of clutter to look at, it can be very distracting and can direct your time to less important tasks. With a clean desk and environment, you feel more organized and can focus your attention to the more important tasks.
- Reduce the Big Projects to Bite-Size Pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If your goal is to climb a staircase with 1000 steps, you can not do that with one big jump. You need to move one step at a time. Focus your energy and time achieving the next step towards your long term goal.
- Prepare for Interruptions There will always be circumstances, things or situations that can interrupt you with your task at hand. Unfortunately, many will allow those interruptions to completely take over, putting a complete hold on working on completing their task. I suggest that being aware that there will be interruptions and to prepare for them so that you don't allow them to completely take over will help. Also remember to keep your task as a top priority regardless of other circumstances.
- Assign Deadlines Have you ever failed to achieving a goal? Odds are that probably happened because you did not set a deadline. Having a deadline will move you to action. Without a deadline, things will end up in your "when I get time" pile. When you create a deadline, you are more like to move to action to achieve your goals.
"Here's" to not procrastinating and committing to taking the right steps every day to achieving your goals. I would love to hear your thoughts, questions and comments below and if you enjoyed this article feel free to share it with others.
To Your Success,
Donna Stewart