How to Get Rid of Acne Fast – Acne Free in 3 Days
"How to get rid of acne fast?" You may have been asking this question for quite some time now. Most often those words will come from the lips of teenagers as they struggle with this common challenge of growing up! Acne can create a problem for any person at any age but it is especially common with youth in Junior High or High school. These are the years when the hormones are high and often out of balance. There is an increased production of bodily secretions at this stage of life which lead to a variety of challenges including the dreaded outbreaks of acne.
Actually, at the first indications of puberty is when there is typically a rapid increase in the appearance of acne, blackheads and zits. The first stage of acne is when it forms whitish or brown spots where the dead cells have not been cleaned properly. The second stage which happen most frequently on the forehead and nose are where the blackheads or pimples appear. Dealing with acne is a pain... both mentally and physically for most people so, let's explore how to get rid of acne as fast as possible.
The first and best way to get rid of acne is to wash your face with warm water using a nonirritating soap. This will open the pores of the skin and it is always a good procedure to do this before going to sleep at night. During the day you can minimize acne breakouts by washing your face with tap water every few hours and then gently dry your face with a clean cloth.
This cleansing routine will help in getting rid of the existing acne and prevent a long run breakout of the ugly sores. Using a product called Benzoyl Peroxide is also a good idea for most people as it does help to clear up the acne. It is a topical treatment that kills bacteria in and around the pores of the skin by opening the dead skin cells that expose the bacteria. There is an important precaution however when using it.
If you are using Benzoyl Peroxide for the first time, be very careful to use it sparingly in the beginning. It can be very drying to the skin and thus cause itchiness. It is best to start out on a small area and use only once a day, then increase the use gradually if your skin permits it.
Another way to get rid of acneis to avoid touching the sore spots with your dirty hands. Touching continually will have the dirt and bacteria transferred to other areas and could lead to increased infection. If you see your acne or affected areas peeling, let the area peel naturally by itself. Control the urge to peel the acne with your fingers no matter how tempting it is.
Actually, at the first indications of puberty is when there is typically a rapid increase in the appearance of acne, blackheads and zits. The first stage of acne is when it forms whitish or brown spots where the dead cells have not been cleaned properly. The second stage which happen most frequently on the forehead and nose are where the blackheads or pimples appear. Dealing with acne is a pain... both mentally and physically for most people so, let's explore how to get rid of acne as fast as possible.
The first and best way to get rid of acne is to wash your face with warm water using a nonirritating soap. This will open the pores of the skin and it is always a good procedure to do this before going to sleep at night. During the day you can minimize acne breakouts by washing your face with tap water every few hours and then gently dry your face with a clean cloth.
This cleansing routine will help in getting rid of the existing acne and prevent a long run breakout of the ugly sores. Using a product called Benzoyl Peroxide is also a good idea for most people as it does help to clear up the acne. It is a topical treatment that kills bacteria in and around the pores of the skin by opening the dead skin cells that expose the bacteria. There is an important precaution however when using it.
If you are using Benzoyl Peroxide for the first time, be very careful to use it sparingly in the beginning. It can be very drying to the skin and thus cause itchiness. It is best to start out on a small area and use only once a day, then increase the use gradually if your skin permits it.
Another way to get rid of acneis to avoid touching the sore spots with your dirty hands. Touching continually will have the dirt and bacteria transferred to other areas and could lead to increased infection. If you see your acne or affected areas peeling, let the area peel naturally by itself. Control the urge to peel the acne with your fingers no matter how tempting it is.