Understanding the Causes of Acne
When acne is discussed, the subject of whiteheads and blackheads also often arises.
This is because both whiteheads and blackheads are the start of an acne problem, so it is important to understand what they are and why they form.
This article will provide a better understanding of this subject area.
Acne is essentially an infection in the hair follicles that are under the skin.
Attached to the hair follicles are sebaceous glands which produce oils which keep the skin in condition.
However, if the amount of sebaceous oil that is produced increases for any reason, then it can cause the sebaceous ducts and hair follicles to become blocked.
This is the first stage of an acne problem.
This first stage is seen on the skin in the form of whiteheads and blackheads which are often also commonly called comedones.
Whiteheads and blackheads are blocked pores that are filled with sebaceous oils, dead skin cells and dirt/grime.
When the pore is open blackheads are caused.
Blockages underneath closed pores are seen as whiteheads.
Whiteheads often rise to the surface and have a head which can erupt and release a white paste-like substance from the skin.
If you see blackheads and whiteheads appearing on your skin then you should try to leave them alone.
Squeezing them will make your skin red and sore and can lead to worse infection.
You also leave yourself in danger of developing scars which will permanently mark your skin.
Instead of squeezing and taking matters into your own hands you should seek professional medical assistance and allow a dermatologist to clear your skin of these blockages.
There is also a lot you can do for yourself to prevent acne, or to improve it if you are already a sufferer.
Regular and gentle cleansing is essential.
Use luke-warm water and a ph balanced soap that will not totally strip your skin of oils and dry it out.
Please be aware that treating your acne is a long process.
You cannot expect to see results overnight but instead, gradual improvement will be evident.
Don't be tempted to use harsh treatments in an attempt to deal with acne faster because this will be counterproductive and may undo any good progress you have already made using gentler methods.
This is because both whiteheads and blackheads are the start of an acne problem, so it is important to understand what they are and why they form.
This article will provide a better understanding of this subject area.
Acne is essentially an infection in the hair follicles that are under the skin.
Attached to the hair follicles are sebaceous glands which produce oils which keep the skin in condition.
However, if the amount of sebaceous oil that is produced increases for any reason, then it can cause the sebaceous ducts and hair follicles to become blocked.
This is the first stage of an acne problem.
This first stage is seen on the skin in the form of whiteheads and blackheads which are often also commonly called comedones.
Whiteheads and blackheads are blocked pores that are filled with sebaceous oils, dead skin cells and dirt/grime.
When the pore is open blackheads are caused.
Blockages underneath closed pores are seen as whiteheads.
Whiteheads often rise to the surface and have a head which can erupt and release a white paste-like substance from the skin.
If you see blackheads and whiteheads appearing on your skin then you should try to leave them alone.
Squeezing them will make your skin red and sore and can lead to worse infection.
You also leave yourself in danger of developing scars which will permanently mark your skin.
Instead of squeezing and taking matters into your own hands you should seek professional medical assistance and allow a dermatologist to clear your skin of these blockages.
There is also a lot you can do for yourself to prevent acne, or to improve it if you are already a sufferer.
Regular and gentle cleansing is essential.
Use luke-warm water and a ph balanced soap that will not totally strip your skin of oils and dry it out.
Please be aware that treating your acne is a long process.
You cannot expect to see results overnight but instead, gradual improvement will be evident.
Don't be tempted to use harsh treatments in an attempt to deal with acne faster because this will be counterproductive and may undo any good progress you have already made using gentler methods.