Aflibercept in Wet AMD Beyond the First Year of Treatment
Aflibercept in Wet AMD Beyond the First Year of Treatment
This strategy involves continuing with proactive, fixed 8-weekly dosing. At the seventh injection visit in Year 1, the patient is re-injected and the next injection is scheduled for 8 weeks' time. OCT imaging and VA assessment are conducted at each visit if possible. Monitoring is not required between injections.
Eyes with active disease (in the opinion of the treating physician) but stable VA at the end of Year 1 should continue with fixed 8-weekly dosing after Year 1. The rationale for fixed dosing at this stage is, therefore, to continue regular treatment throughout the second year of treatment in eyes with persistent disease activity at the end of Year 1.
Fixed dosing should continue throughout the second year of treatment. Thereafter, individualised T&E (see below) may be considered in order to minimise treatment burden and to maximise resource utilisation.
Approach A: Fixed 8-weekly Dosing
Treatment Strategy
This strategy involves continuing with proactive, fixed 8-weekly dosing. At the seventh injection visit in Year 1, the patient is re-injected and the next injection is scheduled for 8 weeks' time. OCT imaging and VA assessment are conducted at each visit if possible. Monitoring is not required between injections.
Eyes Suitable for Fixed Dosing
Eyes with active disease (in the opinion of the treating physician) but stable VA at the end of Year 1 should continue with fixed 8-weekly dosing after Year 1. The rationale for fixed dosing at this stage is, therefore, to continue regular treatment throughout the second year of treatment in eyes with persistent disease activity at the end of Year 1.
Treatment Burden and Fixed Dosing: Progress to T&E After Year 2
Fixed dosing should continue throughout the second year of treatment. Thereafter, individualised T&E (see below) may be considered in order to minimise treatment burden and to maximise resource utilisation.