5 Secrets To Increase Your Chances Of Online Success
We all know that to succeed online you need to make sales.
But are you making the most of your selling potential? When someone visits your website they are either going to say yes to your product or no.
To increase profits you need as many people to say yes as possible.
Now this may sound obvious, but most people that visit your site will say no.
So you need convert as many visitors as possible to say yes and to do this you need to do these 5 things.
In fact they are an absolute necessity.
So much so that they should be considered as 'laws'.
You should make it 'law' that you follow these 5 secrets that I'm about to show you.
If you do this then I guarantee that your sales will increase dramatically.
So, without further ado lets look at the 5 laws: Law 1: Law of Respect Now, if you treat somebody with respect, it is much more likely that they will respect you in return.
This applies to every aspect of your life whether it be your partner, family, work, or of course, your customer.
You need to ask yourself this question: "If you truly respected your customer, what would you offer them?" Now, sit down with a pen and pad and write some ideas down.
If you truly respected your customer, what would you offer them? Take your time and have a really good think about it.
Law of Uniqueness To increase your success online you have to have something that is unique to you and/or your product.
Ask yourself this question: "Why would people want to buy from me instead of someone else?" There are thousands and thousands of people selling stuff on the internet.
But you need to give your visitors a reason to buy from you instead of somebody else.
This is critical if you want to stand out from the rest.
So, what can you do to stand out from everybody else selling similar products? Again you need to sit down with a pen and pad and write ideas down.
Maybe think about the guarantee.
Although you will be offering their money back, is there also something else you could do? 3.
The Law Of Irresistibility Now you need to think about how to make your offer irresistible to people who visit your webpage.
Let's say you are selling an eBook on gardening for £47.
Your sales copy was fantastic but you weren't making many sales.
Why do you think this would be? Maybe someone else is selling something similar for £37? Or maybe someone else is offering more value for their money eg.
Bonuses! These days it is not enough to sell an eBook on its own with no added value.
Your potential customers want more for their buck! If you aren't offering anything else other than just your eBook, then they will quickly look for someone who has more to offer.
So for people to buy from you, you need to make your offer irresistible! 4.
The law of Results This is very important as this can also make a big difference in sales.
You need to test your webpage using different headlines, price, guarantee, testimonials etc.
This could make the difference between some sales and a lot of sales! 5.
Law Of Value This law can improve your conversion rate massively.
A speaker at the World Internet Summit was getting a conversion rate of 18% when other internet marketers are getting an average of 2%.
So every 100 people that visited his webpage, 18 people bought his product.
Now how did he manage this? He gave them free information before they were directed to his sales page...
good quality and valuable information.
Can you see how these 5 laws can improve your income dramatically? Use these 5 laws in your online business and you will succeed.
So you task this week is to think of ways that you can put these laws into practice on your website.
Work on them one at a time and don't rush it.
Get these right and your online sales we have a massive boost.
But are you making the most of your selling potential? When someone visits your website they are either going to say yes to your product or no.
To increase profits you need as many people to say yes as possible.
Now this may sound obvious, but most people that visit your site will say no.
So you need convert as many visitors as possible to say yes and to do this you need to do these 5 things.
In fact they are an absolute necessity.
So much so that they should be considered as 'laws'.
You should make it 'law' that you follow these 5 secrets that I'm about to show you.
If you do this then I guarantee that your sales will increase dramatically.
So, without further ado lets look at the 5 laws: Law 1: Law of Respect Now, if you treat somebody with respect, it is much more likely that they will respect you in return.
This applies to every aspect of your life whether it be your partner, family, work, or of course, your customer.
You need to ask yourself this question: "If you truly respected your customer, what would you offer them?" Now, sit down with a pen and pad and write some ideas down.
If you truly respected your customer, what would you offer them? Take your time and have a really good think about it.
Law of Uniqueness To increase your success online you have to have something that is unique to you and/or your product.
Ask yourself this question: "Why would people want to buy from me instead of someone else?" There are thousands and thousands of people selling stuff on the internet.
But you need to give your visitors a reason to buy from you instead of somebody else.
This is critical if you want to stand out from the rest.
So, what can you do to stand out from everybody else selling similar products? Again you need to sit down with a pen and pad and write ideas down.
Maybe think about the guarantee.
Although you will be offering their money back, is there also something else you could do? 3.
The Law Of Irresistibility Now you need to think about how to make your offer irresistible to people who visit your webpage.
Let's say you are selling an eBook on gardening for £47.
Your sales copy was fantastic but you weren't making many sales.
Why do you think this would be? Maybe someone else is selling something similar for £37? Or maybe someone else is offering more value for their money eg.
Bonuses! These days it is not enough to sell an eBook on its own with no added value.
Your potential customers want more for their buck! If you aren't offering anything else other than just your eBook, then they will quickly look for someone who has more to offer.
So for people to buy from you, you need to make your offer irresistible! 4.
The law of Results This is very important as this can also make a big difference in sales.
You need to test your webpage using different headlines, price, guarantee, testimonials etc.
This could make the difference between some sales and a lot of sales! 5.
Law Of Value This law can improve your conversion rate massively.
A speaker at the World Internet Summit was getting a conversion rate of 18% when other internet marketers are getting an average of 2%.
So every 100 people that visited his webpage, 18 people bought his product.
Now how did he manage this? He gave them free information before they were directed to his sales page...
good quality and valuable information.
Can you see how these 5 laws can improve your income dramatically? Use these 5 laws in your online business and you will succeed.
So you task this week is to think of ways that you can put these laws into practice on your website.
Work on them one at a time and don't rush it.
Get these right and your online sales we have a massive boost.