How to Write Academic Persuasive Papers
- 1). Prioritize and sequence the facts and values in relative importance, as you build an argument before forming and coming to conclusions. Convince the reader that your conclusions are founded on agreeable facts and values you both share, as you concentrate on the development of at least three main points. Focus on logical backup arguments and concentrate on your viewpoint throughout the essay --- but avoid digressing into summary early in your argumentative development.
- 2). Formulate and prepare for relevant counterarguments for disputation in the body of the paper before writing the introductory paragraph. Double check that the body of each paragraph makes sense if it stands alone, but relate every combined paragraph to associate with the thesis. Fabricate each body paragraph with a consistent fundamental structure by beginning the first sentence of the paragraph with a main argument point. Construct all the significant supporting arguments for your thesis in sentence format, leaving out a few lines in between each main point, so you can go back and fill in the details for support.
- 3). Summarize and conclude your academic persuasive argument in a contemplative manner, offering a well thought-out conclusion that showcases and solidifies your argument's importance without lengthy synopsis or introduction of new points. Think about the last impression you want to make with the reader, and any consequences of your argument. Edit the final draft of your persuasive paper thoroughly, refraining from using overgeneralized phrasing or abstractions. Give yourself enough time to rethink, correct and rewrite the persuasive argument's final draft, even if it means revising 1 or 2 days later.