The Things You Must Know About Acupuncture
The diagnosis of a disease in Chinese traditional medicine system depends on various symptoms and different body signs. The most important parts that are observed are the tongue and pulse rate. If there are teeth marks in one side of the tongue, it may indicate heart trouble and if there are teeth marks in some other location, it may indicate liver problem and so on. The pulse rate also changes when the person is ill. If the person is healthy, the pulse rate is uniform and rhythmic. If one is not well, the rhythm is lost and a person with in-depth knowledge of traditional Chinese medications will be able to recognize this change in pulse rate and diagnose the problem.
One must take a lot of care while getting acupuncture treatment to avoid any type of infection. The needles used for acupuncture must be made of rust proof stainless steel and must be sterilized properly. The needles used to treat one person shouldn't be used to treat another without sterilizing them again. The points at which to prick the needles are very important. So the person giving this treatment must be an expert. He should also be a completely healthy person, devoid of any type of septic wound or illness. Otherwise he will transfer his illness to the patient also.
Some critics are of the opinion that acupuncture is not a scientific way of treatment. They claim that the effects of acupuncture are nothing but just placebo effect. Placebo effect means treating the disease of the patient by giving some harmless substances to him, which is not a true form of medication. But recent studies have proved that the effect of acupuncture is not just placebo effect, but something more than that and that it has scientific value.
In an acupuncture Toronto, there are teams of expert practitioners who study the condition of the patients in detail and diagnose the problem. They study the case of the disease in detail and find out the root cause of the disease. They will not be having any prejudices in their minds about the health of the patient and the type of treatment to be given to him. No patient can be treated with acupuncture alone. It is one of the methods of the treatment and needs some other type of treatment in additional with it and acupuncture in Toronto takes care of this. Thus a person can get perfect and natural treatment to his illness, irrespective of his/her sex, age and nature of illness in acupuncture Toronto.
One must take a lot of care while getting acupuncture treatment to avoid any type of infection. The needles used for acupuncture must be made of rust proof stainless steel and must be sterilized properly. The needles used to treat one person shouldn't be used to treat another without sterilizing them again. The points at which to prick the needles are very important. So the person giving this treatment must be an expert. He should also be a completely healthy person, devoid of any type of septic wound or illness. Otherwise he will transfer his illness to the patient also.
Some critics are of the opinion that acupuncture is not a scientific way of treatment. They claim that the effects of acupuncture are nothing but just placebo effect. Placebo effect means treating the disease of the patient by giving some harmless substances to him, which is not a true form of medication. But recent studies have proved that the effect of acupuncture is not just placebo effect, but something more than that and that it has scientific value.
In an acupuncture Toronto, there are teams of expert practitioners who study the condition of the patients in detail and diagnose the problem. They study the case of the disease in detail and find out the root cause of the disease. They will not be having any prejudices in their minds about the health of the patient and the type of treatment to be given to him. No patient can be treated with acupuncture alone. It is one of the methods of the treatment and needs some other type of treatment in additional with it and acupuncture in Toronto takes care of this. Thus a person can get perfect and natural treatment to his illness, irrespective of his/her sex, age and nature of illness in acupuncture Toronto.