US Census Data Could Back Fire on Administration"s Agenda - White is the New Minority
At least it appears this is the motivation behind counting everyone correctly.
Unfortunately, for the democrats, what we are going to find is that "White People" are the new minorities in many regions of our nation.
Meaning that either we ditch all the rules, give-aways, advantages, and free gifts for minorities only or we reverse whom we are giving them too.
As a White Man (read Honky, I guess) I find it laughable that we still call Hispanic folks minorities.
You see, in a good many cities in the US, there are far more Hispanic folks than White Folks, thus, white people are the minority and it's time to either get rid of such skewed advantages or start giving them to white folks, since in many cases they are the actual minority of our overall population in many regions.
Meanwhile, one has to ask who on Earth these politicians think they are to give an advantage to any group of people, regardless of who they are, over another group.
It's shear hypocrisy to do so.
It's time to repeal ALL rules, quotas, and give-aways which favor ANY group over another, as that is so anti-American it is not even funny.
How did things get so out of line, that society actually believes that it is acceptable to have government mandated programs to help a group of people over another group? What will the US Census show us? Could this backfire on the Administration's agenda, after all, how can you give away or give an advantage to a group of people calling them a minority, when the facts show they are not? I suppose you can use the media to cloud over the issue, as has been done in the recent past, but in the end, it just shows more hypocrisy.
It seems amazing to me that everyone yells and screams for equal rights, yet demands advantages over other groups of folks? Perhaps, that's the biggest hypocrisy of all, and rather than talking about this, we merely continually sweep this reality under the carpet.
If we continue to lie to ourselves and pretend this is the fair thing to do, then we clearly are full of beans when we claim to being doing what's right and what our nation stands for.
It's time to have a reality check, so let's look closely at these Census Figures when they are completed.